java – Ehcache 2.1是否支持Hibernate 3.3.2GA中的事务缓存并发策略?

Ehcache 2.1现在是否支持Hibernate 3.3.2GA中的transactional cache concurrency strategy?也就是说,当Hibernate配置为使用Ehcache 2.1作为其缓存提供程序时,允许< cache usage =“transactional”/>映射文件中的元素或Hibernate实体类注释@Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE)?


根据Ehcache Home Page页面,Ehcache 2.1现在支持所有Hibernate策略:

17 May 2010: Ehcache 2.1.0 and new ehcache-nonstopcache and

ehcache-unlockedreadsview released

Ehcache 2.1.0 rounds out Ehcache 2.0.
JTA support has been added for
standalone ehcache. JTA for Hibernate
has been added which now means Ehcache
supports all Hibernate strategies
ehcache-nonstopcache adds a new API
with support for timeouts on Cache
Operations and configurable actions on
disconnection from a cluster.
ehcache-unlockedreadsview adds support
for a coherent cache to expose an
unlocked view at the same time, for
rapid response.


> Ehcache 2.1 Beta – Lots of Stuff, Still Backward Compatible

上一篇:spring – 通过ehcache与Terracotta一起休眠二级缓存 – 根本不缓存?

下一篇:java – EhCache:为什么我的diskStore路径目录没有创建?