
将点数据和Mesh数据转换为OBJ, PCD, PLY, STL, VTK文件包含点云或网格到每一种其他格式。


// STL不支持颜色
// OBJ在PCL中不支持颜色(格式does support color)


#include <vector>

#include <pcl/console/parse.h>
#include <pcl/io/auto_io.h>
#include <pcl/io/obj_io.h>
#include <pcl/io/vtk_lib_io.h>

#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>

#define ASCII 0
#define BINARY 1

 * Display help for this program
 * @param argc[in]
 * @param argv[in]
displayHelp (int argc,
             char** argv)
  PCL_INFO ("\nUsage: %s [OPTION] SOURCE DEST\n", argv[0]);
  PCL_INFO ("Convert SOURCE point cloud or mesh to DEST.\n\n");

  PCL_INFO ("Available formats types for SOURCE and DEST:\n"
           "\tOBJ (Wavefront)\n"
           "\tPCD (Point Cloud Library)\n"
           "\tPLY (Polygon File Format)\n"
           "\tSTL (STereoLithography)\n"
           "\tVTK (The Visualization Toolkit)\n\n");

  PCL_INFO ("Available options:\n"
           "\t-f, --format Specify DEST output type, available formats are ascii, binary and binary_compressed.\n"
           "\t             When not specified, binary is used as default.\n"
           "\t             OBJ only supports ascii format.\n"
           "\t             binary_compressed is only supported by the PCD file format.\n\n"
           "\t-c --cloud   Output DEST as a point cloud, delete all faces.\n\n");

saveMesh (pcl::PolygonMesh& input,
          std::string output_file,
          int output_type);

 * Saves a cloud into the specified file and output type. The file format is automatically parsed.
 * @param input[in] The cloud to be saved
 * @param output_file[out] The output file to be written
 * @param output_type[in] The output file type
 * @return True on success, false otherwise.
savePointCloud (pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr input,
                std::string output_file,
                int output_type)
  if (boost::filesystem::path (output_file).extension () == ".pcd")
    //TODO Support precision, origin, orientation
    pcl::PCDWriter w;
    if (output_type == ASCII)
      PCL_INFO ("Saving file %s as ASCII.\n", output_file.c_str ());
      if (w.writeASCII (output_file, *input) != 0)
        return (false);
    else if (output_type == BINARY)
      PCL_INFO ("Saving file %s as binary.\n", output_file.c_str ());
      if (w.writeBinary (output_file, *input) != 0)
        return (false);
    else if (output_type == BINARY_COMPRESSED)
      PCL_INFO ("Saving file %s as binary compressed.\n", output_file.c_str ());
      if (w.writeBinaryCompressed (output_file, *input) != 0)
        return (false);
  else if (boost::filesystem::path (output_file).extension () == ".stl")
    PCL_ERROR ("STL file format does not support point clouds! Aborting.\n");
    return (false);
  else  // OBJ, PLY and VTK
    //TODO: Support precision
    //FIXME: Color is lost during OBJ conversion (OBJ supports color)
    pcl::PolygonMesh mesh;
    mesh.cloud = *input;
    if (!saveMesh (mesh, output_file, output_type))
      return (false);

  return (true);

 * Saves a mesh into the specified file and output type. The file format is automatically parsed.
 * @param input[in] The mesh to be saved
 * @param output_file[out] The output file to be written
 * @param output_type[in]  The output file type
 * @return True on success, false otherwise.
saveMesh (pcl::PolygonMesh& input,
          std::string output_file,
          int output_type)
  if (boost::filesystem::path (output_file).extension () == ".obj")
    if (output_type == BINARY || output_type == BINARY_COMPRESSED)
      PCL_WARN ("OBJ file format only supports ASCII.\n");

    //TODO: Support precision
    //FIXME: Color is lost during conversion (OBJ supports color)
    PCL_INFO ("Saving file %s as ASCII.\n", output_file.c_str ());
    if (pcl::io::saveOBJFile (output_file, input) != 0)
      return (false);
  else if (boost::filesystem::path (output_file).extension () == ".pcd")
    if (!input.polygons.empty ())
      PCL_WARN ("PCD file format does not support meshes! Only points be saved.\n");
    pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud = boost::make_shared<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> (input.cloud);
    if (!savePointCloud (cloud, output_file, output_type))
      return (false);
  else  // PLY, STL and VTK
    if (output_type == BINARY_COMPRESSED)
      PCL_WARN ("PLY, STL and VTK file formats only supports ASCII and binary output file types.\n");

    if (input.polygons.empty() && boost::filesystem::path (output_file).extension () == ".stl")
      PCL_ERROR ("STL file format does not support point clouds! Aborting.\n");
      return (false);

    PCL_INFO ("Saving file %s as %s.\n", output_file.c_str (), (output_type == ASCII) ? "ASCII" : "binary");
    if (!pcl::io::savePolygonFile (output_file, input, (output_type == ASCII) ? false : true))
      return (false);

  return (true);

 * Parse input files and options. Calls the right conversion function.
 * @param argc[in]
 * @param argv[in]
 * @return 0 on success, any other value on failure.
main (int argc,
      char** argv)
  // Display help
  if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-h") != 0 || pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "--help") != 0)
    displayHelp (argc, argv);
    return (0);

  // Parse all files and options
  std::vector<std::string> supported_extensions;
  std::vector<int> file_args;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < supported_extensions.size(); ++j)
      if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(argv[i], supported_extensions[j]))

  std::string parsed_output_type;
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-f", parsed_output_type);
  pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "--format", parsed_output_type);
  bool cloud_output (false);
  if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-c") != 0 ||
      pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "--cloud") != 0)
    cloud_output = true;

  // Make sure that we have one input and one output file only
  if (file_args.size() != 2)
    PCL_ERROR ("Wrong input/output file count!\n");
    displayHelp (argc, argv);
    return (-1);

  // Convert parsed output type to output type
  int output_type (BINARY);
  if (!parsed_output_type.empty ())
    if (parsed_output_type == "ascii")
      output_type = ASCII;
    else if (parsed_output_type == "binary")
      output_type = BINARY;
    else if (parsed_output_type == "binary_compressed")
      output_type = BINARY_COMPRESSED;
      PCL_ERROR ("Wrong output type!\n");
      displayHelp (argc, argv);
      return (-1);

  // Try to load as mesh
  pcl::PolygonMesh mesh;
  if (boost::filesystem::path (argv[file_args[0]]).extension () != ".pcd" &&
      pcl::io::loadPolygonFile (argv[file_args[0]], mesh) != 0)
    PCL_INFO ("Loaded a mesh with %d points (total size is %d) and the following channels:\n%s\n",
             mesh.cloud.width * mesh.cloud.height, mesh.cloud.data.size (), pcl::getFieldsList (mesh.cloud).c_str ());

    if (cloud_output)

    if (!saveMesh (mesh, argv[file_args[1]], output_type))
      return (-1);
  else if (boost::filesystem::path (argv[file_args[0]]).extension () == ".stl")
    PCL_ERROR ("Unable to load %s.\n", argv[file_args[0]]);
    return (-1);
    // PCD, OBJ, PLY or VTK
    if (boost::filesystem::path (argv[file_args[0]]).extension () != ".pcd")
      PCL_WARN ("Could not load %s as a mesh, trying as a point cloud instead.\n", argv[file_args[0]]);

    //Eigen::Vector4f origin; // TODO: Support origin/orientation
    //Eigen::Quaternionf orientation;
    pcl::PCLPointCloud2::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PCLPointCloud2);
    if (pcl::io::load (argv[file_args[0]], *cloud) < 0)
      PCL_ERROR ("Unable to load %s.\n", argv[file_args[0]]);
      return (-1);

    PCL_INFO ("Loaded a point cloud with %d points (total size is %d) and the following channels:\n%s\n", cloud->width * cloud->height, cloud->data.size (),
              pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str ());

    if (!savePointCloud (cloud, argv[file_args[1]], output_type))
      PCL_ERROR ("Failed to save %s.\n", argv[file_args[1]]);
      return (-1);
  return (0);


上一篇:【北京迅为】i.MX6ULL终结者Linux LED实验编写应用测试程序
