用命令:jarsigner -verify XXX.apk
增加 -verbose -certs 两个选项可显示更多信息.
如果有Android Debug字樣就是debug
如果已经签名: 显示类似如下信息
jar verified. Warning:
This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated.
This jar contains signatures that does not include a timestamp. Without a timestamp, users may not be able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2040-09-01) or after any future revocation date. Re-run with the -verbose and -certs options for more details.
no manifest.
jar is unsigned. (signatures missing or not parsable)
1. 查找apk里的rsa文件
Windows 平台:
> jar tfdemo.apk |findstr RSA
Linux 平台:
$ jar tfdemo.apk |grep RSA
2. 从apk中解压rsa文件
jar xfdemo.apk META-INF/CERT.RSA
3. 获取签名的fingerprints
keytool -printcert -file META-INF/CERT.RSA 证书指纹:
MD5: 5A:5A:96:63:8E:EF:FC:66:9E:BC:1C:2A:A9:1E:E5:95
SHA1: 44:BD:33:2D:C5:21:AE:78:D5:04:92:1A:39:FD:AC:01:E2:32:3C:AB
SHA256: 2F:C0:A3:8C:0D:42:84:70:48:78:44:A4:2E:64:5B:50:B3:B3:1E:33:94:62:A3:9F:2F:10:DD:EF:D7:CF:02:0B
签名算法名称: SHA1withRSA
版本: 3
两个apk是否同签名,比较签名的MD5码或SHA1码 ,一样就是相同的,反之,不是