第二十四篇 -- 学习第二十九天打卡20190720





spectrum ['spektrəm] n.范围;领域;光谱;声谱
    例:This large group of research and development is composed of specialists from a wide spectrum of professions.
    搭:across the spectrum 跨领域;各方面
customer ['kʌstəmə(r)] n.顾客,用户
    商:customer base 客户群,客户基础/customer profile 客户概况/customer relation 客户关系/customer service 售后服务/regular customer 常客
stag [stæg] n.购买新上市股票的人,股票投机者 adj.只限男子参加的
    例:The crash of the stock market resultd in many stags going bankrupt.
safety ['seɪfti] n.安全;安全性;安全处所
    例:The factory carries out safety checks at least once a month.
    搭:safety level 安全水平/safety measure(s)安全措施/for one's own safety 为了某人的安全
takeaway ['teɪkəweɪ] n.外卖食品;外卖餐馆 adj.外卖的
    例:The restaurant began to provide a takeaway service to meet the needs of office workers.
dump [dʌmp] v.倾倒;倾销 n.垃圾场
    例:No country is allowed to dump their products on the Chinese market.
    搭:garbage dump 垃圾场
    派:dumping n.倾倒;倾销(例:anti-dumping duty 反倾销税)/dumper n.倾卸工
rarely ['reəli] adv.很少地,难得,罕有地
    例:We rarely abtain an order of such a large amount, especially in the situation of the economic downturn.
resident ['rezɪdənt] adj.(在某地)居住的 n.居民
    例:The overseas marketing director of the company needs to be resident in the US.
    搭:resident expert 常驻专家;当地专家
    派:residential adj.适合居住的;住宅的;需要在某地居住的;提供食宿的(例:residential area 居民区)
bust [bʌst] adj.破产的 vi.爆裂;破产;被降级;崩溃 vt.使爆裂,破坏;开除;搜查,逮捕 n.爆裂;(经济)崩溃;半身雕像
    商:go bust 破产
    搭:bust a gut 努力(做某事),拼命干
    派:busted adj.破产的;破碎的
    To make things worse, the staff raced to leave the company due to being badly paid, which made the beleaguered company go bust.
precisely [prɪ'saɪsli] adv.精确地;恰恰
    例:After getting the product costs, we are able to precisely set the price of the products.
    搭:more precisely 更确切的说

bounce [baʊns] vt.使弹起,使反弹,使跳起 vi.弹起,反弹,跳起;支票被银行退票 n.弹,反弹
    例:The consumer confidence index began to bounce back with the economic recovery
    商:bounce back(价格等)下跌后大幅度反弹
    搭:bounce a cheque 退回支票/bounce in equities 股市反弹
    派:bouncy adj.跳跃的;有弹性的;快活的;精神饱满的/bouncing adj.健壮的,茁壮的
provision [prə'vɪʒn] n.规定;条款;准备;供应品 vt.供给...事物及必需品
    搭:make provision for 为...作好准备;为...预先采取措施/provision sb./sth. with 为...提供 
    派:provisonal adj.临时的,暂时的;暂定的(例:provisional liquidator 临时清盘人/provisional rule 暂行规定/provisional government 临时*)
    No party is entitled to unilaterally alter, modify or waive any provision of this contract.
notify [,nəʊtɪfaɪ] vt.通知,宣告,公布
    例:Please notify us of the tracking number once you send out the samples.
extract [ɪk'strækt] vt.提取;索取;选取 ['ekstrækt] n.摘录;选录;提取物
    例:Several years ago, the trade figures could be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports.
    搭:extract sth. from sth. 从...中提取(获取)/an extract from novel 小说中节选的一段
    派:extraction n.(例:oil/mineral extraction 石油/矿物开采)/extractive adj.抽取的,萃取的/extractor n.提取器;分离器
steadily ['stedəli] adv.稳定地,平稳地;有规则地
    例:The per capita disposable income of urban residents kept on growing steadily in our city.
data ['deɪtə] n.资料,数据(datum的复数)
    搭:data mining 数据挖掘/data processing 数据处理/data protection 数据保护/data capture 数据捕捉
rally ['ræli] n.(价格等)降后回升;集会,(群众)大会;汽车拉力赛 v.集合;团结;恢复(健康等)
    例:The stock market did not begin to rally until the close of trading.
    商:rally in share market 股票市场的止跌回升
    搭:rallying point 集结点;有感召力的人(或团体、事件等);号召力/hold a rally 召开大会
branch [brɑːntʃ] n.树枝;(机构的)分部;分支;支线 vi.分支;出现分歧
    例:KFC is a famous international chain restaurant and now it has over 4000 branches in China.
    商:overseas branch 海外分支机构/branch office 分支机构,办事处
    搭:establish/set up a branch 建立分支机构/branch out into sth. 拓展到新的领域
conquer ['kɒŋkə(r)] v.战胜,征服;攻克
    例:A successful businessman must conquer his fear of competition.
    搭:conquer the world 征服世界
    派:conqueror n.征服者/unconquerable adj.不可征服的
words of wisdom 至理名言;智慧箴言
    例:He admires the sales manager very much and takes all that he says as words of wisdom.

advertise ['ædvətaɪz] v.公布,通告;(为...)做广告
    例:It was time to advertise our new service.
    派:advertisement n.广告;宣传/advertiser n.广告商/advertising n.广告业;做广告(例:advertising campaingn 广告活动)

autocratic [,ɔːtə'krætɪk] adj.专制的,*的
    例:Autocratic management is the biggest obstacle of enterprise innovation.
    派:autocracy n.*;*;**/autocratically adv.专制地,*地
phase out 逐步停止
    例:The government will phase out all subsidies to private companies in the next five years.
distribute [dɪ'strɪbju:t] vt.分发,分配;分销;使分布,散布
    商:distribute a bonus/dividend 分发红利/股息
    搭:be widely distributed 广泛分布的
    派:distribution n.分配;发行,配送(例:distribution channel 分销渠道/distribution cost 分销成本/distribution company 分销公司)
    M: Goods should be distributed to our customers immediately. Why are they still in the warehouse?
    W: I am sorry! We just receieved the goods yesterday afternoon.
glory ['glɔːri] n.光荣,荣誉 vi.高兴;喜悦;自豪
    例:The company had wished to return to its former glory, but the business is getting harder and harder.
    搭:glory days 昔日的辉煌/cover onself with glory 取得辉煌胜利,满载荣誉/in one's glory 处于全盛时期
    派:glorious adj.辉煌的;荣誉的;极好的
block [blɒk] n.块,方块;街区;大厦;障碍物 vt.阻止;阻塞;限制
    例:The high tariff effectively blocked the import of vehicles from other countries.
    搭:office block 办公大楼/block diagram 方块图;方形图/block release 脱产进修
    派:blockade n.障碍物,阻碍物 vt.实行*;阻塞/blockade n.堵塞;堵塞物
flawed [flɔːd] adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的
    商:flawed products 次品
    搭:flawed argument 有漏洞的论点
commerce ['kɒmɜːs] n.贸易,商业
    商:Chamber of Commerce 商会/industry and commerce 工商业
    Electronic commerce is becoming more and more popular and is applied in various industries, while online sale is a basic manifest of it.
virtual ['vɜːtʃuəl] adj.虚拟的;实质上的
    例:The national economy of the country is sliding into a state of virtual economic paralysis.
    搭:virtual reality 虚拟现实/virtual memory 虚拟内存
    派:virtually adv.几乎;事实上;实质
icon ['aɪkɒn] n.图标;偶像;肖像;画像;圣象
    例:Steven Jobs has become the icon of many college students.
    史蒂文 · 乔布斯已成为许多大学生的偶像。
    搭:warning icon 警告图标
    派:iconic adj.图像的;图标的;偶像的

pirate ['paɪrət] n.非法盗印(或复制)者;盗版;海盗 vt.盗印,盗版
    例:The * should perfect the intellectual property law to fight against piracy and pirates
    商:pirated computer game/video 盗版电脑游戏/视频/software pirate 制作盗版软件者
    派:piracy n.剽窃;盗版/piratical adj.海盗的;盗版的(例:piratical product 盗版产品)
instrument ['ɪnstrəmənt] n.工具;手段;被他人利用者
    商:financial instrument 金融工具/monetary policy instrument 货币政策工具
    搭:musical instrument 乐器
    派:instrumental adj.起作用的;用乐器演奏的
register ['redʒɪstə(r)] n./v.登记(薄),注册(薄);挂号
    例:We are afraid that you can't enjoy the discount because er don't have your name on our VIP register.
    商:registered capital 注册资本/registered company 注册公司/registered post 挂号邮寄/registered trademark 注册商标/hotel register 旅店登记薄
    派:registration n.登记,注册(例:registration fee 注册费)
zero defect 无事故;零缺陷;合格产品
    例:Though our product quality is continuously improving, it is far from zero defect.
cooperate [kəʊ'ɒpəreɪt] vi.合作,配合;协力
    例:I sincerely hope national enterprises could cooperate with each other to boost the development of the national econnomy
    搭:cooperate with ab. in/on sth. 在某方面同某人合作
    派:cooperation n.合作,协作(例:business cooperation 商务合作)/coordinative adj.合作的
cut-throat ['kʌtθrəʊt] adj.残酷的;凶狠的
    例:In the globalised market, enterprises have to face cut-throat competition in order to survive.
abort [ə'bɔːt] vt.使流产;使终止 vi.流产;(计划等)中途失败、夭折
    例:We have no alternative but to abort the plan 我们别无选择,只能放弃这个计划
    派:abortion n.堕胎/abortive adj.不成功的,失败的(例:abortive attempt 失败的尝试)
preliminary [prɪ'lɪmɪnəri] n.准备;预赛;[常pl.] 初步措施 adj.初步的;预备的
    例:The government should take some preliminary measures to prevent the spread of strikes
    搭:preliminary contest 初赛/go through the preliminary 通过初赛
take-off ['teɪkɒf] n.起飞
    例:The government is sparing no effort to promote the take-off of the manufacturing industry.
cheque [tʃek] n.支票;餐馆的账单;阻碍
    商:cross cheque 画线支票,横线支票/cheque book 支票簿/pay by cheque 以支票偿付/blank cheque 空白支票/cash cheque 现金支票/endorse a cheque 支票背书
    M: It has become much easier to travel with this cheque.
    W: Not exactly. It must be cashed at the designated mask bank

prejudice ['predʒudɪs] n.偏见,成见;损害 vt.使怀有成见;有损于
    例:The proposal was accepted without prejudice to the current pay negotiations.
    搭:without prejudice to 不损害...的权益/prejudice agianst 对...有成见
    派:prejudiced adj.带成见的;偏爱的,偏心的(例:be prejudiced against 对...抱有成见)/prejudicial adj.有害的,不利的(例:The policy is prejudicial to the company's future development.这项政策对公司的未来发展不利)
overpay [,əʊvə'peɪ] v.多付
    例:The employers intend to overpay some workers of better performance to boost their motivation.
    派:overpayment n.多付
match [mætʃ] v.(使)匹配,(使)相称 n.匹配;比赛
    商:matched bargain 对应交易
    搭:match point 赛点/match sth. up with sth. 使...与...配套
    派:matchless adj.无敌的;无比的/matching adj.相配的;一致的;相称的
    We work hard to match demand with supply in the local market.
complicate ['kɒmplɪkeɪt] vt.使复杂化;使恶化;使卷入
    例:Tax breaks and other subsidies may complicate the tax system and disort incentives.
    派:complicated adj.难懂的,复杂的(例:complicated structure 复杂的结构)/complication n.复杂化;难题;并发症
know-how ['nəʊhaʊ] n.实际知识;技能;窍门
    例:He has become a shareholder of the company with technical know-how.
My life didn't please me, so I created my life.


confront [kən'frʌnt] vt.使面临,遭遇;对照
    例:The company was confronted with a severe problem - short age of funds
    搭:be confronted with 面对/confront sb. with 使某人对面
    派:confrontation n.对抗,对峙,冲突(例:confrontation between employers and unions 雇主与工会之间的对峙)/confrontational adj.对抗的
broker ['brəʊkə(r)] n.经纪人,代理人
    商:finance broker 金融经纪人/insurance broker 保险经纪人/mortgage broker 抵押经纪人
    派:brokerage n.经纪业;佣金
passbook ['pɑːsbʊk] n.银行存折
    例:You should update the passbook to know your balance.
    商:Passbook balance 存折余额/passbook savings account 存折储蓄账户
bill [bɪl] n.账单;议案,法案;钞票;节目单;海报 vt.贴海报宣布;给...开账单
    例:The bill discount is different from the bank loan in essence.
    商:bill of entry 报关单/bill of lading 提单,提货单/bill of exchange 汇票/commercial bill 商业汇票/bill of materials(BOM) 用料清单
    搭:fill the bill 符合要求;出类拔萃
peer [pɪə(r)] n.同龄人;同等地位的人;贵族 vi.仔细看,费力地看
    例:You can find others' faults and correct yours in the peer review process.
    搭:peer pressure 来自同辈人的压力/peer at 盯着...看 
    派:peerage n.贵族;贵族的爵位
impending [ɪm'pendɪŋ] adj.临近的;(尤指坏事)即将发生的
    搭:impending danger/disaster 即将到来的危险/灾难
    The conference is held to discuss how to tackle the impending global economic depression.
prepared [prɪ'peəd] adj.准备好的
    例:Most companies are prepared for economic reform.
    搭:be prepared to (do) 愿意(做);准备好(做)/prepared statement 事先写好的声明
    派:preparedness n.有准备(的状态),已准备
buyer's market 买方市场
    例:The market competition will be more fierce than ever with the advent of the buyer's market.
harassment ['hærəsmənt] n.骚扰;烦恼
    例:According to a survey, 50 per cent of white-collar women in New York have experienced some form of sexual harassment during their work.
    搭:racial harassment 种族骚扰
file [faɪl] n.档案,文件;文件夹,公文柜 vt.把(文件)归档;提交(申请书等) vi.提交申请;排成纵队行进
    商:file a claim/petition/lawsuit 提出索赔/呈交诉状/提起诉讼/file for bankruptcy 提交破产申请书/file clerk 档案管理员
    搭:file sth. (away)把...归档/create/delete/download a file 创建/删除/下载文件/consult/refer to a file 查阅/参考档案资料
    If the employees are caught disclosing our business secrets to other companies, we shall file a complained with the relevant departments.


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