2.是关于如何加载dll或lib库的。可以看这篇bog Qt调用dll中的功能函数点击打开链接
声明: 事先我已经自己动手写了一个简单的dll文件(myDLL.dll),C版接口的。并且用我前两篇有关DLL文章里面的方法,从dll中导出了导入库(.lib)文件,dll中有两个函数,原型如下:
下面分别通过显示调用和隐式调用两种方法,来模拟Qt如何调用外部dll文件中的功能函数,follow me....
其中,LoadLibrary() 函数用来载入指定的dll文件,加载到调用程序的内存中(DLL没有自己的内存!)
GetProcAddress() 函数检索指定的动态链接库(DLL)中的输出库函数地址,以备调用
FreeLibrary() 释放dll所占空间
Qt提供了一个 QLibrary 类供显示调用。下面给出一个完整的例子:
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QLibrary>
- #include <QDebug>
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include "dll.h" //引入头文件
- typedef int (*Fun)(int,int); //定义函数指针,以备调用
- int main(int argc,char **argv)
- {
- QApplication app(argc,argv);
- QLibrary mylib("myDLL.dll"); //声明所用到的dll文件
- int result;
- if (mylib.load()) //判断是否正确加载
- {
- QMessageBox::information(NULL,"OK","DLL load is OK!");
- Fun open=(Fun)mylib.resolve("add"); //援引 add() 函数
- if (open) //是否成功连接上 add() 函数
- {
- QMessageBox::information(NULL,"OK","Link to Function is OK!");
- result=open(5,6); //这里函数指针调用dll中的 add() 函数
- qDebug()<<result;
- }
- else
- QMessageBox::information(NULL,"NO","Linke to Function is not OK!!!!");
- }
- else
- QMessageBox::information(NULL,"NO","DLL is not loaded!");
- return 0; //加载失败则退出28}
1、首先我们把 .h 与 .lib/.a 文件复制到程序当前目录下,然后再把dll文件复制到程序的输出目录,
2、下面我们在pro文件中,添加 .lib 文件的位置: LIBS+= -L D:/hitempt/api/ -l myDLL
-L 参数指定 .lib/.a 文件的位置
-l 参数指定导入库文件名(不要加扩展名)
3、在程序中include头文件(我试验用的dll是用C写的,因此要用 extern "C" { #include "dll.h" } )
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QDebug>
- extern "C" //由于是C版的dll文件,在C++中引入其头文件要加extern "C" {},注意
- {
- #include "dll.h"
- }
- int main(int argv ,char **argv)
- {
- QApplication app(argv,argv);
- HelloWordl(); //调用Win32 API 弹出helloworld对话框
- qDebug()<<add(5,6); // dll 中我自己写的一个加法函数
- return 0; //完成使命后,直接退出,不让它进入事件循环
- }
jida.h 部分 函数形成如下
- BOOL WINAPI JidaDllInstall(BOOL install);
- BOOL WINAPI JidaDllInitialize(void);
- BOOL WINAPI JidaDllUninitialize(void);
- DWORD WINAPI JidaBoardCountW(LPCWSTR pszClass, DWORD dwFlags);
- BOOL WINAPI JidaBoardOpenW(LPCWSTR pszClass, DWORD dwNum, DWORD dwFlags,/*@out@*/PHJIDA phJida);
- BOOL WINAPI JidaBoardClose(HJIDA hJida);
- DWORD WINAPI JidaI2CType(HJIDA hJida, DWORD dwType);
- BOOL WINAPI JidaI2CRead(HJIDA hJida, DWORD dwType, BYTE bAddr, LPBYTE pBytes,DWORD dwLen);
- BOOL WINAPI JidaI2CWrite(HJIDA hJida, DWORD dwType, BYTE bAddr, LPBYTE pBytes,DWORD dwLen);
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <QLibrary>
- #include "jida.h"
- //int add(int a,int b);
- //typedef int (*Fun)(int,int); //定义函数指针,以备调用
主要是dll的加载。QLibrary jida_lib("jida.dll");
- //加载dll 函数
- FunJidaInstal jida_install=(FunJidaInstal)jida_lib.resolve("JidaDllInstall"); //引用dll里面的JidaDllInstall() 函数
DWORD pHandle = 0; //句柄返回值
- //int add(int a,int b);
- //typedef int (*Fun)(int,int); //定义函数指针,以备调用
- //dll init uninit
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaInstal)(BOOL install); //BOOL WINAPI JidaDllInstall(BOOL install);
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaDllInit)(BOOL install); //BOOL WINAPI JidaDllInitialize(void);
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaDllUninit)(BOOL install); //BOOL WINAPI JidaDllUninitialize(void);
- //板子
- typedef DWORD WINAPI (*FunJidaBoardCountW)(LPCWSTR,DWORD); //DWORD WINAPI JidaBoardCountW(LPCWSTR pszClass, DWORD dwFlags); 板子数
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaBoardOpenW)(LPCWSTR,DWORD,DWORD,PHJIDA);//打开板子 BOOL WINAPI JidaBoardOpenW(LPCWSTR pszClass, DWORD dwNum, DWORD dwFlags,/*@out@*/PHJIDA phJida);
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaBoardClose)(HJIDA hJida);//BOOL WINAPI JidaBoardClose(HJIDA hJida); 板子关闭
- //I2C
- typedef DWORD WINAPI (*FunJidaI2CCount)(HJIDA); //DWORD WINAPI JidaI2CCount(HJIDA hJida);
- typedef DWORD WINAPI (*FunJidaI2CType)(HJIDA, DWORD ); //DWORD WINAPI JidaI2CType(HJIDA hJida, DWORD dwType);
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaI2CRead)(HJIDA, DWORD , BYTE , LPBYTE ,DWORD );//BOOL WINAPI JidaI2CRead(HJIDA hJida, DWORD dwType, BYTE bAddr, LPBYTE pBytes,DWORD dwLen);
- typedef BOOL WINAPI (*FunJidaI2CWrite)(HJIDA, DWORD , BYTE , LPBYTE ,DWORD );//BOOL WINAPI JidaI2CWrite(HJIDA hJida, DWORD dwType, BYTE bAddr, LPBYTE pBytes,DWORD dwLen);
- //声明所用到的dll文件
- QLibrary jida_lib("jida.dll");
- //加载dll 函数
- FunJidaInstal jida_install=(FunJidaInstal)jida_lib.resolve("JidaDllInstall"); //引用dll里面的JidaDllInstall() 函数
- FunJidaDllInit jida_dll_init = (FunJidaDllInit)jida_lib.resolve("JidaDllInitialize");
- FunJidaDllUninit jida_dll_uninit = (FunJidaDllUninit)jida_lib.resolve("JidaDllUninitialize");
- FunJidaBoardCountW jida_board_countw = (FunJidaBoardCountW)jida_lib.resolve("JidaBoardCountW");
- FunJidaBoardOpenW jida_board_openw = (FunJidaBoardOpenW)jida_lib.resolve("JidaBoardOpenW");
- FunJidaBoardClose jida_board_close = (FunJidaBoardClose)jida_lib.resolve("JidaBoardClose");
- FunJidaI2CCount jida_i2c_count = (FunJidaI2CCount)jida_lib.resolve("JidaI2CCount");
- FunJidaI2CType jida_i2c_type = (FunJidaI2CType)jida_lib.resolve("JidaI2CType");
- FunJidaI2CRead jida_i2c_read = (FunJidaI2CRead)jida_lib.resolve("JidaI2CRead");
- FunJidaI2CWrite jida_i2c_write = (FunJidaI2CWrite)jida_lib.resolve("JidaI2CWrite");
- if (jida_lib.load()) //判断是否正确加载
- {
- cout << "qt lib load ok" << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- cout << "qt lib load error" << endl;
- }
- if(jida_install)
- {
- cout << "dell load ok" <<endl;
- }
- else
- {
- cout << "dell load error" <<endl;
- }
3.QT中char * 转换为 wchar_t * (LPTSTR)类型
醉了,windows下宏定义了很多char类型 LPTSTR 。今天,直接使用,qt报错,真TM费事。
将“CPU”转化为wcha_t *
- QString str = "CPU";
- const wchar_t * str_cpu = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(str.utf16());//char * 转换为 wchar_t * 类型
QT QString, wchar_t *, TCHAR, CString和其他字符或字符串类型的转化
- //QString to wchar_t *:
- const wchar_t * encodedName = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(fileName.utf16());
- //QString to char * given a file name:
- QByteArray fileName = QFile::encodeName(aFileName);
- const char * encodedName = fileName.constData(); //Valid as long as fileName exists
- //QString to char * (general case):
- const char * tmp = str.toUtf8().constData();
- [/code]
- Windows 数据类型: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383751.aspx
- [code lang="cpp"]
- //TCHAR:
- #ifdef UNICODE
- typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
- #else
- typedef char TCHAR;
- #endif
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #else
- #endif
- typedef const char * LPCSTR;
- typedef const wchar_t * LPCWSTR;
- //LPCWSTR to QString:
- QString text(QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short *>(tmp)));
- 另一种解决办法是使用QString::fromWCharArray(),但这个函数可能导致一些尚未解决的wchar_t符号问题。
- 最佳的编程风格: 使用L来定义wchar_t宽字符串,比如 L"text" 字义了一个UNICODE字符串"text"。
- 今天又看到一个文章,关于字符串之间的转换,比较全面,在此将英文翻译并整理一下。
- 原文地址:http://hi.baidu.com/koko200147/blog/item/7e3cad828c9b9bb66d8119cb.html
- QString与其他字符类型之间的转换,QString在Qt4中是UNICODE编码的,使用utf16规范。
- QString::fromAscii ( const char * str, int size = -1 );
- QString::fromLatin1 ( const char * str, int size = -1 );
- QString::fromLocal8Bit ( const char * str, int size = -1 );
- QString::fromRawData ( const QChar * unicode, int size );
- QString::fromStdString ( const std::string & str );
- QString::fromStdWString ( const std::wstring & str );
- QString::fromUcs4 ( const uint * unicode, int size = -1 );
- QString::fromUtf8 ( const char * str, int size = -1 );
- QString::fromUtf16 ( const ushort * unicode, int size = -1 );
- QString::fromWCharArray ( const wchar_t * string, int size = -1 );
- //qstring ->std::string
- QString::toStdString () ;
- QString::toStdWString ();
- //BSTR<->QString,不太了解BSTR是什么,还没用到过,所以不知道对不对
- BSTR bstr_str;
- QString q_str((QChar*)bstr_str, wcslen(bstr_str));
- bstr_str = SysAllocString(q_str.utf16());//remember use SysFreeString on BSTR
- //QString<->LPCSTR
- QString::toLocal8Bit().constData();
- QString::fromLocal8Bit ( const char * str, int size = -1 );
- //QString<->LPCWSTR
- QString::utf16();
- QString::fromUtf16 ( const ushort * unicode, int size = -1 );
- //QString<->CString
- CString c_str(qstring::utf16());
- QString fromUtf16 (LPCTSTR(c_str) );
- CString转换为char*
- //1.传给未分配内存的const char* (LPCTSTR)指针.
- CString cstr(asdd);
- const char* ch = (LPCTSTR)cstr;//ch指向的地址和cstr相同。但由于使用const保证ch不会修改,所以安全.
- //2.传给未分配内存的指针.
- CString cstr = "ASDDSD";
- char *ch = cstr.GetBuffer(cstr1.GetLength() + 1);
- cstr.ReleaseBuffer();
- //修改ch指向的值等于修改cstr里面的值.
- //PS:用完ch后,不用delete ch,因为这样会破坏cstr内部空间,容易造成程序崩溃.
- //3.第二种用法。把CString 值赋给已分配内存的char *。
- CString cstr1 = "ASDDSD";
- int strLength = cstr1.GetLength() + 1;
- char *pValue = new char[strLength];
- strncpy(pValue, cstr1, strLength);
- //4.第三种用法.把CString 值赋给已分配内存char[]数组.
- CString cstr2 = "ASDDSD";
- int strLength1 = cstr1.GetLength() + 1;
- char chArray[100];
- memset(chArray,0, sizeof(bool) * 100); //将数组的垃圾内容清空.
- strncpy(chArray, cstr1, strLength1);
- //5.如果上述都不行,使用以下方法
- CString origCString("Hello, World!");
- wchar_t* wCharString = origCString.GetBuffer(origCString.GetLength()+1);
- size_t origsize = wcslen(wCharString) + 1;
- size_t convertedChars = 0;
- char *CharString;
- CharString=new char(origsize);
- wcstombs_s(&convertedChars, CharString, origsize, wCharString , _TRUNCATE);
- cout << CharString << endl; //成功输出字符串"Hello,World"
- 从UTF8编码到GB编码的字符串转换方法:
- QString Utf8_To_GB(QString strText)
- {
- return QString::fromUtf8(strText.toLocal8Bit().data());
- }
- 从GB编码到UTF8编码的字符串转换方法:
- QString GB_To_Utf8(char *strText)
- {
- return QString::fromLocal8Bit(strText);
- }