论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3



其他博主的MobileNet v3博客地址(其中有torch和tensorflow代码实现链接):https://blog.csdn.net/DL_wly/article/details/90168883 

另外的代码实现链接:MobileNet V3 Tensorflow实现 ; MobileNet V3 torch 实现


之前阅读过MobileNet系列的V1 和 V2,想看看V3在结构上又有哪些创新?用到的小网络模块是否可以用在自己结构中。




 [1] A. Howard et al., "Searching for MobileNetV3," 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Seoul, Korea (South), 2019, pp. 1314-1324, doi: 10.1109/ICCV.2019.00140.

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3


论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3


2021.2.19 共130次(数据来源于IEEE中搜索)

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3


hardwareaware network architecture search (NAS)



0 摘要

We present the next generation of MobileNets based on a combination of complementary search techniques as well as a novel architecture design. MobileNetV3 is tuned to mobile phone CPUs through a combination of hardwareaware network architecture search (NAS) complemented by the NetAdapt algorithm and then subsequently improved through novel architecture advances.

This paper starts the exploration of how automated search algorithms and network design can work together to harness complementary approaches improving the overall state of the art. Through this process we create two new MobileNet models for release: MobileNetV3-Large and MobileNetV3-Small which are targeted for high and low resource use cases.


This paper describes the approach we took to develop MobileNetV3 Large and Small models in order to deliver the next generation of high accuracy efficient neural network models to power on-device computer vision. The new networks push the state of the art forward and demonstrate how to blend automated search with novel architecture advances to build effective models.


SqueezeNet[22] extensively uses 1x1 convolutions with squeeze and expand modules primarily focusing on reducing the number of parameters. More recent works shifts the focus from reducing parameters to reducing the number of operations (MAdds) and the actual measured latency. MobileNetV1[19] employs depthwise separable convolution to substantially improve computation efficiency. MobileNetV2[39] expands on this by introducing a resource-efficient block with inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks. ShuffleNet[49] utilizes group convolution and channel shuffle operations to further reduce the MAdds. CondenseNet[21] learns group convolutions at the training stage to keep useful dense connections between layers for feature re-use. ShiftNet[46] proposes the shift operation interleaved with point-wise convolutions to replace expensive spatial convolutions.

[21] Gao Huang, Shichen Liu, Laurens van der Maaten, and Kilian Q. Weinberger. Condensenet: An efficient densenet using learned group convolutions. CoRR, abs/1711.09224, 2017. 2

[46] Bichen Wu, Alvin Wan, Xiangyu Yue, Peter H. Jin, Sicheng Zhao, Noah Golmant, Amir Gholaminejad, Joseph Gonzalez, and Kurt Keutzer. Shift: A zero flop, zero parameter alternative to spatial convolutions. CoRR, abs/1711.08141, 2017. 2

3、Efficient Mobile Building Blocks

Mobile models have been built on increasingly more efficient building blocks. MobileNetV1 [19] introduced depthwise separable convolutions as an efficient replacement for traditional convolution layers. Depthwise separable convolutions effectively factorize traditional convolution by separating spatial filtering from the feature generation mechanism. Depthwise separable convolutions are defined by two separate layers: light weight depthwise convolution for spatial filtering and heavier 1x1 pointwise convolutions for feature generation.


MobileNetV2 [39] introduced the linear bottleneck and inverted residual structure in order to make even more efficient layer structures by leveraging the low rank nature of the problem. This structure is shown on Figure 3 and is defined by a 1x1 expansion convolution followed by depthwise convolutions and a 1x1 projection layer. The input and output are connected with a residual connection if and only if they have the same number of channels. This structure maintains a compact representation at the input and the output while expanding to a higher-dimensional feature space internally to increase the expressiveness of nonlinear perchannel transformations.


论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

MnasNet [43] built upon the MobileNetV2 structure by introducing lightweight attention modules based on squeeze and excitation into the bottleneck structure. Note that the squeeze and excitation module are integrated in a different location than ResNet based modules proposed in [20]. The module is placed after the depthwise filters in the expansion in order for attention to be applied on the largest representation as shown on Figure 4.(图4展示的是MobileNet V3 的结构)

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

[43] Mingxing Tan, Bo Chen, Ruoming Pang, Vijay Vasudevan, and Quoc V. Le. Mnasnet: Platform-aware neural architecture search for mobile. CoRR, abs/1807.11626, 2018. 2, 3, 5, 6 

[20] J. Hu, L. Shen, and G. Sun. Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks. ArXiv e-prints, Sept. 2017. 2, 3, 7

For MobileNetV3, we use a combination of these layers as building blocks in order to build the most effective models. Layers are also upgraded with modified swish nonlinearities [36, 13, 16]. Both squeeze and excitation as well as the swish nonlinearity use the sigmoid which can be inefficient to compute as well challenging to maintain accuracy in fixed point arithmetic so we replace this with the hard sigmoid [2, 11] as discussed in section 5.2.

PS:V3中使用到了SENet。关于SENet的讲解可以看上一篇博客:论文阅读|CVPR2018&CVPR2020|Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks

4、Network Search






一类是训练参数:learning rate,batch_size等等,一类是网络结构参数:网络为几层,每一层有多少filters, 网络中是否需要加入残差等不同于直线型的简单结构。这些结构之间如何排列。



搜索空间定义基本是和DNN的发展相应。可以看到,早期的CNN大都是链式结构,因此初期的NAS工作中搜索空间也主要考虑该结构,只需考虑共几层,每层分别是什么类型,以及该类型对应的超参数。再后面,随着像ResNet,DenseNet,Skip connection这样的多叉结构的出现,NAS中也开始考虑多叉结构,这样就增大了组合的*度可以组合出更多样的结构。另外,很多DNN结构开始包含重复的子结构(如Inception,DenseNet,ResNet等),称为cell或block。于是NAS也开始考虑这样的结构,提出基于cell的搜索。即只对cell结构进行结构搜索,总体网络对这些cell进行重叠拼接而成。当然如何拼接本身也可以通过NAS来学习。这样相当于减少*度来达到减少搜索空间的目的,同样也可以使搜索到的结构具有更好的数据集间迁移能力。为了让搜索模型可以处理网络结构,需要对其编码。搜索空间中的网络架构可以表示为描述结构的字符串或向量。




2、基于进化算法:在进行过程中,会随机选取两个模型 ,差的那个直接被干掉(淘汰),好的那个会成为父节点(这种方式为tournament selection)。子节点经过变异(就是在一些预定的网络结构变更操作中随机选取)形成子结点。




1、层次化表示(Hierarchical Representation):它假设整体网络是由cell重复构建的,那搜索空间就缩小到对两类cell(normal cell和reduction cell)结构的搜索上,从而大大减小了搜索空间。

2、权重共享(Weight sharing):让训练好的网络尽可能重用。

3、表现预测(Performance prediction):为了得到某个网络模型的精度又不花费太多时间训练,通常会找一些代理测度作为估计量。比如在少量数据集上、或是低分辨率上训练的模型精度,或是训练少量epoch后的模型精度。

由于NAS在以后我自己的项目中并不会使用到,在这里仅对基本概念了解即可。下面开始介绍MobileNet V3在网络结构设计上的创新。

5、Network Improvements

5.1 Redesigning Expensive Layers


The first modification reworks how the last few layers of the network interact in order to produce the final features more efficiently. Current models based on MobileNetV2’s inverted bottleneck structure and variants use 1x1 convolution as a final layer in order to expand to a higher-dimensional feature space. This layer is critically important in order to have rich features for prediction. However, this comes at a cost of extra latency.

最Mobilenet V2中 avg pooling之前,存在一个1X1卷积,可以提高特征图的维度,但却会带来一定的计算量。

To reduce latency and preserve the high dimensional features, we move this layer past the final average pooling. This final set of features is now computed at 1x1 spatial resolution instead of 7x7 spatial resolution. The outcome of this design choice is that the computation of the features becomes nearly free in terms of computation and latency.


We were able to reduce the number of filters to 16 while maintaining the same accuracy as 32 filters using either ReLU or swish. This saves an additional 2 milliseconds and 10 million MAdds.

修改头部卷积核channel数量:mobilenet v2中使用的是32 x 3 x 3,作者发现,其实32可以再降低一点,于是这里改成了16。

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

5.2 Nonlinearities

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 论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3

In [36, 13, 16] a nonlinearity called swish was introduced that when used as a drop-in replacement for ReLU, that significantly improves the accuracy of neural networks.

While this nonlinearity improves accuracy, it comes with non-zero cost in embedded environments as the sigmoid function is much more expensive to compute on mobile devices. We deal with this problem in two ways.

swish 可以提升性能,但是会带来额外的计算量。

We replace sigmoid function with its piece-wise linear hard analog: 论文阅读|ICCV|Searching for MobileNetV3. The minor difference is we use ReLU6 rather than a custom clipping constant。



[36] Prajit Ramachandran, Barret Zoph, and Quoc V. Le. Searching for activation functions. CoRR, abs/1710.05941, 2017. 

[13] Stefan Elfwing, Eiji Uchibe, and Kenji Doya. Sigmoidweighted linear units for neural network function approximation in reinforcement learning. CoRR, abs/1702.03118, 2017.

[16] Dan Hendrycks and Kevin Gimpel. Bridging nonlinearities and stochastic regularizers with gaussian error linear units. CoRR, abs/1606.08415, 2016.


6.1 classification



硬件设备 4x4 TPU Pod
优化器 RMSPropOptimizer
momentum 0.9
initial learning rate 0.1
batch size 4096(这也太大了)
learning rate decay rate 0.01  every 3 epochs
dropout 0.8
正则化 L2
weight decay  1e-5
batch-normalization layers - average decay 0.99
e exponential moving average - decay 0.9999


感觉机构上相比于V1 V2并没有很大的创新,本文的题目就是Searching for MobileNetV3。突出了文中提及的NAS技术的重要性。但是这个NAS的可实现性还是很低的,在实验部分作者也没有对这一块内容做进一步分析。在网络结构上可借鉴性并没有很多,其中SENet 和 H-swish以后可以在自己的网络中尝试。



















上一篇:单相机标定的时候,不管是助手标定还是代码,识别不出来,出现如下错误,HALCON错误:minimum threshold while searching for ellipses,可以看看下文实际操作

下一篇:Codeforces Round #700 (Div. 2) C. Searching Local Minimum(二分)