SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

这篇文章主要基于上一篇的基础上,create a sample workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013.

这里简要说一下我们接下来需要应用workflow完成怎样的一个功能:当在list中add item的时候自动触发workflow来更新title的value。

首先创建一个Custom List named ‘MyList’  Site Contents-->add an app-->Custom List

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

以管理员身份运行SharePoint Designer 2013,associate specify SPSite,选择workflow,click List Workflow dropDown list, 选择刚刚创建的MyList

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

填写workflow name和description, 选择Platform Type,这里我们用SharePoint 2013 Workflow, workflow named "MyWorkflow".

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

创建一个workflow临时变量,用于存储需要更新的title值,Click Variables tab -->Local Varables , 填写临时变量名字:UpdatedValue,Type类型 String---> Click Ok.

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

给临时变量赋值,Add a Set Workflow Variable action  to the SharePoint workflow, and configure it, 更改后的item title:This was updated by workflow-[%Current Item:Title%]

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

更新Item title的value, add Set field in current item action, set Title ,value 选择我们之前配置的临时变量的value,Add or Change Lookup -->Data source: Workflow Variables and Parameters, Field from source: Variable: UpdatedValue-->Click OK.

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

Transition to stage -->add action Go to stage -->End of Workflow

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

接下来设置workflow的Start options,这里我们有3个options:

Allow this workflow to be manually started

Start workflow automatically when an item is created

Start workflow automatically when an item is changed

Start Options主要根据客户的需要来选择,可以手动执行workflow,可以当新建item的时候触发,也可以当update item的时候触发,这里我们是test workflow,所以选择了前2项。

Then click  Publish in the upper left corner.

最后我们就可以在之前创建的MyList下新建一个Item ,title named "Test123", click save, 稍等一会, 再次刷新页面,我们会发现workflow已完成。 title 变成:This was Updated by workflow - Test123

SharePoint 2013 create workflow by SharePoint Designer 2013

 以上就是一个简单workflow的例子,用于跟新item 的 title value。

上一篇:Android 自带 camera 详解
