
Newspaper, radio, television and computer each has its merits and drawbacks. What is the most efficient means of acquiring information? Give your reasons.


Modern people are blessed with so many means of acquiring information  that some of us feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of vast amount of information. Once so promising, the Internet has not replaced all other types of media because it is not superior to others under all circumstances. Efficiency depends on many factors.

Newspaper certainly requires the least of its readers. So long as you can read you can pick up a newspaper and enjoy. It can be read in the office, on the bus or even in the bathroom. It also offers in-depth report on various events which can rarely be found on radio or TV. Being printed on paper, newspaper is friendly to eyes.

However, if one wants to see as well as to read bout the events, TV is the best choice. After all, one sight is worth a thousand words. Sometimes it is hard to really comprehend something until one sees it with his own eyes. Take last year's tsunami for example. The TV coverage brought the terror of the catastrophe to the hearts of millions, prompting the international community to take urgent relief measures.

Of course, computer is the most efficient if one wants to search for something that happened two weeks ago. Unlike newspaper, radio or TV, which is usually devoted to recent events, a computer provides access to a wealth of information. Virtually everything is accessible at the touch of a fingertip.

Thus we see that different types of media complement each other. Each has its strength and weakness and is most efficient in some way.







