Side parking skill

Strictly speaking,there is absolutely no uniform atandard and method for side parking.Different models,drivers of different sizes,and different positions and angles will affect the effection.

1:determine the size of the parking space.
at least one meter longer than a car is considered safe;the obsercation from out of the car is alse very advocated.

2:determine initial position
0.5-1 meter apart is safe(add in the rearview mirror)

3:right full reverse positon
right rearview mirror over B

4:back to the positive direction
45 degress

5:left full reverse positon
right rearview mirror over left tail light

little tip:After judging the parking space can be parked.turn right light,back car toward the parking space,and then out,pull an arc out of the parking space,tell the car behind that this parking space is mine,I will stop.It is also good for backing car and reducing difficulty and shortening time.

