Lesson 15 At the Ddpartment Store

Can you help me,please?

Sure,What can I do for you?

I'm looking for a gift for my son's birthday.

How about this video game?

That's a good idea.Can you gift-wrap it,please?

Sure.No problem.


Excuse me,ma'am. Do you have a blue dress my size?

I think so .Let me take your measurements.OK.

How about this dress over here?

Do you have a fitting room?

It's in the corner over there.

Thank you.

You are welcome.




Can you help me ,please?

Can you do me a favor,please?


That's a good idea.

That sounds like a good idea.

sounds like a good idea. 


Do you have a blue dress my size? 

Do you have a blue dress her size?


How about the dress over here?

How abuot the dress over there?


It's in the corner over there?

It's on the corner over there?

It's around the corner over there?

Lesson 15 At the Ddpartment Store

Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph. 


