【魔改】莫队算法+组合数公式 杭电多校赛4 Problem B. Harvest of Apples


莫队算法是一个离线区间分块瞎搞算法,只要满足:1.离线  2.可以O(1)从区间(L,R)更新到(L±1,R±1)就能直接套板子了


【魔改】莫队算法+组合数公式 杭电多校赛4 Problem B. Harvest of Apples



#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
#define rep(i,t,n) for(int i =(t);i<=(n);++i)
#define per(i,n,t) for(int i =(n);i>=(t);--i)
#define mmm(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
const int maxn = 1e5 + ;
const long long mod = 1e9 + ;
map<int, int> mmp;
typedef long long ll;
struct node {
int l, r, id; }Q[maxn];
ll fac[maxn], infac[maxn];
long long ans[maxn];
long long num[maxn];
int a[maxn], pos[maxn];
int n, m, k;
int L = , R = ;
long long Ans = ; ll cal(ll x) {
ll res = ;
int k = mod - ;
while (k) {
if (k & ) {
res *= x;
res %= mod;
x *= x;
x %= mod;
k >>= ;
return res;//cal(x^ mod)
void init() {
fac[] = ;
rep(i, , maxn - )fac[i] = (fac[i-] * i)%mod;
rep(i, , maxn - )infac[i] = cal(fac[i]);
ll C(ll a, ll b)
return 1ll * fac[a] * infac[b] % mod * infac[a - b] % mod;
bool cmp(node a, node b) {
if (pos[a.r] == pos[b.r])
return a.l < b.l;
return pos[a.r] < pos[b.r]; }
void add(int x) { //num[a[x]]++;
//if (num[a[x] - 1] == 0 && num[a[x] + 1] == 0)Ans++;
//else if (num[a[x] - 1] && num[a[x] + 1])Ans--;
Ans += C(n, m); }
void addl(int x) { }
void del(int x) {
//if (num[a[x] - 1] == 0 && num[a[x] + 1] == 0)Ans--;
//else if (num[a[x] - 1] && num[a[x] + 1])Ans++;
Ans -= C(n, m + );
} int smain() {
int t; scanf("%d", &t);
Ans = ;
mmm(num, );
L = , R = ; int sz = sqrt(1e5);
for (int i = ; i <= 1e5; i++) {
pos[i] = i / sz;
} rep(i,,t) {
scanf("%d%d", &Q[i].l, &Q[i].r);
Q[i].id = i;
sort(Q + , Q + + t, cmp);
Ans = ;//S(m,n
L = Q[].l; R = -;
while (L < Q[i].l) {
Ans = (2ll * Ans - C(L, R) + mod) % mod;
} while (L > Q[i].l) {
Ans = ((Ans + C(L, R)) *infac[]%mod) % mod;
} while (R < Q[i].r) {
Ans = (Ans+C(L, R))%mod;
while (R > Q[i].r) {
Ans = (Ans-C(L, R)+mod)%mod;
--R; } ans[Q[i].id] = Ans;
rep(i,,t)printf("%lld\n", ans[i]);
return ;
/* 6
60522 25373
36426 3283
48772 42553
33447 12441
3497 2182
7775 4025 */
int main() {
FILE *myfile;
myfile = freopen("C:\\Users\\acm-14\\Desktop\\test\\b.in", "r", stdin);
if (myfile == NULL)
fprintf(stdout, "error on input freopen\n");
FILE *outfile;
outfile = freopen("C:\\Users\\acm-14\\Desktop\\test\\out.txt", "w", stdout);
if (outfile == NULL)
fprintf(stdout, "error on output freopen\n");
long _begin_time = clock();
long _end_time = clock();
printf("time = %ld ms.", _end_time - _begin_time);
cin >> n;
return ;
上一篇:群晖5.2 在线预览OFFICE文件
