A log about Reading the memroy of Other Process in C++/WIN API--ReadProcessMemory()

Memory, is a complex module in Programing, especially on Windows.

This time, I use cpp with win windows api{

VirtualQueryEx();         //Get the available memory page(block)

ReadProcessMemory();  //Read the specific memory

LookupPrivilegeValue(); //Get the avalible Privileges in windows

AdjustTokenPrivileges();//Enable or disable privilege for specific process


Now, we skip the step of getting privilege, and directly talking about the detail of reading memories.

At first, we should understand that we cannot directly read memory at once by giving a big number of memory required.

Normally, we should make a loop to record the detail of every pages(blocks) of memory [VirtualQueryEx()] and Read them [ReadProcessMemory()].

 while (true)
if (VirtualQueryEx(hProcess, (LPVOID)cur_addr, &meminf, dwInfoSize) == )
if (!(meminf.State == MEM_COMMIT || meminf.State == MEM_IMAGE || meminf.State == MEM_MAPPED))
cur_addr = (DWORD)meminf.BaseAddress + meminf.RegionSize;
if ((dbg = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)meminf.BaseAddress, memget, meminf.RegionSize, &ReadSize)) == false)
cout << "Failed to read memory at address:" << meminf.BaseAddress << endl;
memget += meminf.RegionSize;
cur_addr = (DWORD)meminf.BaseAddress + eminf.RegionSize;
上一篇:深入理解openstack网络架构(2)----Basic Use Cases

下一篇:swift 定义类方法(type methed)