20200227英语上课笔记 about advantage and disadvantage

Hello and welcome to class!

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disorganized dis or ga niced


efficient --E FISH SHINT 

romantic jealous indecisive energetic hardworking lazy 

I am like

I am the same as

I am similar to

I'm different from


- I will watch a movie and drink some milk after class

-I usually have to work at midnight

-I sometimes get jealous

-I've been working as a programmer for 15 years

-I like watching movies in my free time

-I'm not a very cook

-I'm not very romantic

-I'm hardworking, but I don't like to exercise

-She can't make a decision quickly

-I'm very patient and efficient

-I like sports, and I'm energetic

-It's difficult for me to make choices



disorganized dis or ga niced


efficient --E FISH SHINT







上一篇:V3 - Choices and Feelings Teacher: Gabriele

下一篇:asp.net core 实现支持多语言