<emotionml category-set="http://www.w3.org/TR/emotion-voc/xml#big6" expressed-through="text" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2009/10/emotionml">
<emotion id="0">
<category name="happiness" value="3"/>
<clause cause="N" id="1" keywords="N">
<text>Her love of dirt gave way to an inclination for finery</text>
<clause cause="N" id="2" keywords="N">
<text> and she grew clean as she grew smart</text>
<clause cause="Y" id="3" keywords="Y">
<text> she had now the pleasure of sometimes hearing her father and mother remark on her personal improvement</text>
<cause begin="39" id="1" lenth="64">hearing her father and mother remark on her personal improvement</cause>
<keywords keywords-begin="17" keywords-lenth="8">pleasure</keywords>
<clause cause="N" id="4" keywords="N">
<text>"Catherine grows quite a good-looking girl -- she is almost pretty today</text>
<clause cause="N" id="5" keywords="N">
<text>" were words which caught her ears now and then</text>
<clause cause="N" id="6" keywords="N">
<text> and how welcome were the sounds</text>
<clause cause="N" id="7" keywords="N">
<text> To look almost pretty is an acquisition of higher delight to a girl who has been looking plain the first fifteen years of her life than a beauty from her cradle can ever receive.</text>
<emotion id="1">
<category name="happiness" value="3"/>
<clause cause="N" id="1" keywords="N">
<text>Her love of dirt gave way to an inclination for finery</text>
<clause cause="N" id="2" keywords="N">
<text> and she grew clean as she grew smart</text>
<clause cause="N" id="3" keywords="N">
<text> she had now the pleasure of sometimes hearing her father and mother remark on her personal improvement</text>
<clause cause="N" id="4" keywords="N">
<text>"Catherine grows quite a good-looking girl -- she is almost pretty today</text>
<clause cause="N" id="5" keywords="N">
<text>" were words which caught her ears now and then</text>
<clause cause="N" id="6" keywords="N">
<text> and how welcome were the sounds</text>
<clause cause="Y" id="7" keywords="Y">
<text> To look almost pretty is an acquisition of higher delight to a girl who has been looking plain the first fifteen years of her life than a beauty from her cradle can ever receive.</text>
<cause begin="1" id="1" lenth="21">To look almost pretty</cause>
<keywords keywords-begin="51" keywords-lenth="7">delight</keywords>
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
p_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))
path = os.path.join(p_path,'threedata/emotion_cause_english_test.xml')
tree = ET.parse(path)
root = tree.getroot()
# print('root-tag:',root.tag,',root-attrib:',root.attrib,',root-text:',root.text)
for child in root:
for index, sub in enumerate(child):
if index == 0:
print('hh:', sub.attrib['name'])
print('hhv:', sub.attrib['value'])
for index, ssub in enumerate(sub):
# print('ssub.attrib:', ssub.attrib)
if not ssub.attrib:
print('content:', ssub.text)
elif 'begin' in ssub.attrib:
print('att:', ssub.attrib)
print('causecontent:', ssub.text)
print('wprdatt:', ssub.attrib)
print('wordtext:', ssub.text)