
主要看下run_on_opencv_image(self, image)。大概是这样几步。逐步记录
    predictions = self.compute_prediction(image)          #np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV to tensor
    top_predictions = self.select_top_predictions(predictions)
    result = image.copy()
    result = self.overlay_boxes(result, top_predictions)
    if self.cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINT_ON:
        result = self.overlay_keypoints(result, top_predictions)
    result = self.overlay_class_names(result, top_predictions)
    return result

1.compute_prediction(self, original_image)

1)先预处理     image = self.transforms(original_image)


2)转换为ImageList,填充,使其可被cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY 除尽,并放到cuda上。


predictions = self.model(image_list)  #self.model = build_detection_model(cfg)

 这里就会跳入 generalized_rcnn.py文件,进行模型处理

self.backbone = build_backbone(cfg) 
self.rpn = build_rpn(cfg, self.backbone.out_channels)  ##256 * 4=1024
self.roi_heads = build_roi_heads(cfg, self.backbone.out_channels)
1)modeling\backbone\ 提取各个stage的特征图;然后使用feature map进行RPN及ROI pooling操作;
ipdb> p features[0].size()
torch.Size([1, 256, 200, 272])
ipdb> p features[1].size()
torch.Size([1, 256, 100, 136])
ipdb> p features[2].size()
torch.Size([1, 256, 50, 68])
ipdb> p features[3].size()
torch.Size([1, 256, 25, 34])
ipdb> p features[4].size()
torch.Size([1, 256, 13, 17])
2)modeling\rpn\>经过rpn网络得到候选框:proposals, proposal_losses = self.rpn(images, features, targets)
            return self._forward_train(anchors, objectness, rpn_box_regression, targets)
            return self._forward_test(anchors, objectness, rpn_box_regression)

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
import cv2
import torch
from torchvision import transforms as T

from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.detector import build_detection_model
from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.checkpoint import DetectronCheckpointer
from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.image_list import to_image_list
from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.roi_heads.mask_head.inference import Masker
from maskrcnn_benchmark import layers as L
from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils import cv2_util
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter

class COCODemo(object):
    # COCO categories for pretty print

    def __init__(
        self.cfg = cfg.clone()
        self.model = build_detection_model(cfg)          #跳入generalized_rcnn.py文件
        self.device = torch.device(cfg.MODEL.DEVICE)
        self.min_image_size = min_image_size

        save_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR
        checkpointer = DetectronCheckpointer(cfg, self.model, save_dir=save_dir)
        _ = checkpointer.load(cfg.MODEL.WEIGHT)

        self.transforms = self.build_transform()            #对images的形式转换以及预处理

        mask_threshold = -1 if show_mask_heatmaps else 0.5
        self.masker = Masker(threshold=mask_threshold, padding=1)

        # used to make colors for each class gpu_tensor = torch.randn(10,20).cuda(0) # 将tensor放到第一个GPU上
        self.palette = torch.tensor([2 ** 25 - 1, 2 ** 15 - 1, 2 ** 21 - 1])

        self.cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
        self.confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold
        self.show_mask_heatmaps = show_mask_heatmaps
        self.masks_per_dim = masks_per_dim

    def build_transform(self):
        Creates a basic transformation that was used to train the models
        cfg = self.cfg

        # we are loading images with OpenCV, so we don't need to convert them
        # to BGR, they are already! So all we need to do is to normalize
        # by 255 if we want to convert to BGR255 format, or flip the channels
        # if we want it to be in RGB in [0-1] range.
        if cfg.INPUT.TO_BGR255:
            to_bgr_transform = T.Lambda(lambda x: x * 255)
            to_bgr_transform = T.Lambda(lambda x: x[[2, 1, 0]])

        normalize_transform = T.Normalize(
            mean=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_MEAN, std=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_STD

        transform = T.Compose(
        return transform

    def run_on_opencv_image(self, image):
            image (np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV

            prediction (BoxList): the detected objects. Additional information
                of the detection properties can be found in the fields of
                the BoxList via `prediction.fields()`
        predictions = self.compute_prediction(image)  #np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV to tensor
        top_predictions = self.select_top_predictions(predictions)

        result = image.copy()
        if self.show_mask_heatmaps:
            return self.create_mask_montage(result, top_predictions)
        result = self.overlay_boxes(result, top_predictions)
        if self.cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON:
            result = self.overlay_mask(result, top_predictions)
        if self.cfg.MODEL.KEYPOINT_ON:
            result = self.overlay_keypoints(result, top_predictions)
        result = self.overlay_class_names(result, top_predictions)

        return result

    def compute_prediction(self, original_image):
            original_image (np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV

            prediction (BoxList): the detected objects. Additional information
                of the detection properties can be found in the fields of
                the BoxList via `prediction.fields()`
        # apply pre-processing to image
        image = self.transforms(original_image)  #todo what is the type of image type(x) x.type()  #tensor

        # convert to an ImageList, padded so that it is divisible by
        image_list = to_image_list(image, self.cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY)  #0
        image_list =
        # compute predictions
        with torch.no_grad():#内部操作不跟踪历史
            predictions = self.model(image_list)

        predictions = [ for o in predictions]

        # always single image is passed at a time
        prediction = predictions[0]

        # reshape prediction (a BoxList) into the original image size
        height, width,channel = original_image.shape[:]
        print(height, width,channel )
        prediction = prediction.resize((width, height))
        if prediction.has_field("mask"):
            # if we have masks, paste the masks in the right position
            # in the image, as defined by the bounding boxes
            masks = prediction.get_field("mask")   #todo prediction 的属性
            # always single image is passed at a time
            masks = self.masker([masks], [prediction])[0]
            prediction.add_field("mask", masks)
        return prediction

    def select_top_predictions(self, predictions):
        Select only predictions which have a `score` > self.confidence_threshold,
        and returns the predictions in descending order of score

            predictions (BoxList): the result of the computation by the model.
                It should contain the field `scores`.

            prediction (BoxList): the detected objects. Additional information
                of the detection properties can be found in the fields of
                the BoxList via `prediction.fields()`
        scores = predictions.get_field("scores")
        keep = torch.nonzero(scores > self.confidence_threshold).squeeze(1)
        predictions = predictions[keep]
        scores = predictions.get_field("scores")
        _, idx = scores.sort(0, descending=True)
        return predictions[idx]

    def compute_colors_for_labels(self, labels):
        Simple function that adds fixed colors depending on the class
        colors = labels[:, None] * self.palette
        colors = (colors % 255).numpy().astype("uint8")
        return colors

    def overlay_boxes(self, image, predictions):
        Adds the predicted boxes on top of the image

            image (np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV
            predictions (BoxList): the result of the computation by the model.
                It should contain the field `labels`.
        labels = predictions.get_field("labels")
        boxes = predictions.bbox

        colors = self.compute_colors_for_labels(labels).tolist()

        for box, color in zip(boxes, colors):
            box =
            top_left, bottom_right = box[:2].tolist(), box[2:].tolist()
            image = cv2.rectangle(
                image, tuple(top_left), tuple(bottom_right), tuple(color), 1

        return image

    def overlay_mask(self, image, predictions):
        Adds the instances contours for each predicted object.
        Each label has a different color.

            image (np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV
            predictions (BoxList): the result of the computation by the model.
                It should contain the field `mask` and `labels`.
        masks = predictions.get_field("mask").numpy()
        labels = predictions.get_field("labels")

        colors = self.compute_colors_for_labels(labels).tolist()

        for mask, color in zip(masks, colors):
            thresh = mask[0, :, :, None]
            contours, hierarchy = cv2_util.findContours(
                thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE
            image = cv2.drawContours(image, contours, -1, color, 3)

        composite = image

        return composite

    def overlay_keypoints(self, image, predictions):# todo here
        keypoints = predictions.get_field("keypoints")
        kps = keypoints.keypoints
        scores = keypoints.get_field("logits")
        kps =[:, :, 0:2], scores[:, :, None]), dim=2).numpy()
        for region in kps:
            image = vis_keypoints(image, region.transpose((1, 0)))
        return image

    def create_mask_montage(self, image, predictions):
        Create a montage showing the probability heatmaps for each one one of the
        detected objects

            image (np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV
            predictions (BoxList): the result of the computation by the model.
                It should contain the field `mask`.
        masks = predictions.get_field("mask")
        masks_per_dim = self.masks_per_dim
        masks = L.interpolate(
            masks.float(), scale_factor=1 / masks_per_dim
        height, width = masks.shape[-2:]
        max_masks = masks_per_dim ** 2
        masks = masks[:max_masks]
        # handle case where we have less detections than max_masks
        if len(masks) < max_masks:
            masks_padded = torch.zeros(max_masks, 1, height, width, dtype=torch.uint8)
            masks_padded[: len(masks)] = masks
            masks = masks_padded
        masks = masks.reshape(masks_per_dim, masks_per_dim, height, width)
        result = torch.zeros(
            (masks_per_dim * height, masks_per_dim * width), dtype=torch.uint8
        for y in range(masks_per_dim):
            start_y = y * height
            end_y = (y + 1) * height
            for x in range(masks_per_dim):
                start_x = x * width
                end_x = (x + 1) * width
                result[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x] = masks[y, x]
        return cv2.applyColorMap(result.numpy(), cv2.COLORMAP_JET)

    def overlay_class_names(self, image, predictions):
        Adds detected class names and scores in the positions defined by the
        top-left corner of the predicted bounding box

            image (np.ndarray): an image as returned by OpenCV
            predictions (BoxList): the result of the computation by the model.
                It should contain the field `scores` and `labels`.
        scores = predictions.get_field("scores").tolist()
        labels = predictions.get_field("labels").tolist()
        labels = [self.CATEGORIES[i] for i in labels]
        boxes = predictions.bbox

        template = "{}: {:.2f}"
        for box, score, label in zip(boxes, scores, labels):
            x, y = box[:2]
            s = template.format(label, score)
                image, s, (x, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .5, (255, 255, 255), 1

        return image

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.keypoint import PersonKeypoints # todo here

def vis_keypoints(img, kps, kp_thresh=2, alpha=0.7):# todo here
    """Visualizes keypoints (adapted from vis_one_image).
    kps has shape (4, #keypoints) where 4 rows are (x, y, logit, prob).
    dataset_keypoints = PersonKeypoints.NAMES
    kp_lines = PersonKeypoints.CONNECTIONS

    # Convert from plt 0-1 RGBA colors to 0-255 BGR colors for opencv.
    cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow')
    colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(kp_lines) + 2)]
    colors = [(c[2] * 255, c[1] * 255, c[0] * 255) for c in colors]

    # Perform the drawing on a copy of the image, to allow for blending.
    kp_mask = np.copy(img)

    # Draw mid shoulder / mid hip first for better visualization.
    mid_shoulder = (
        kps[:2, dataset_keypoints.index('right_shoulder')] +
        kps[:2, dataset_keypoints.index('left_shoulder')]) / 2.0
    sc_mid_shoulder = np.minimum(
        kps[2, dataset_keypoints.index('right_shoulder')],
        kps[2, dataset_keypoints.index('left_shoulder')])
    mid_hip = (
        kps[:2, dataset_keypoints.index('right_hip')] +
        kps[:2, dataset_keypoints.index('left_hip')]) / 2.0
    sc_mid_hip = np.minimum(
        kps[2, dataset_keypoints.index('right_hip')],
        kps[2, dataset_keypoints.index('left_hip')])
    nose_idx = dataset_keypoints.index('nose')
    if sc_mid_shoulder > kp_thresh and kps[2, nose_idx] > kp_thresh:
            kp_mask, tuple(mid_shoulder), tuple(kps[:2, nose_idx]),
            color=colors[len(kp_lines)], thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
    if sc_mid_shoulder > kp_thresh and sc_mid_hip > kp_thresh:
            kp_mask, tuple(mid_shoulder), tuple(mid_hip),
            color=colors[len(kp_lines) + 1], thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

    # Draw the keypoints.
    for l in range(len(kp_lines)):
        i1 = kp_lines[l][0]
        i2 = kp_lines[l][1]
        p1 = kps[0, i1], kps[1, i1]
        p2 = kps[0, i2], kps[1, i2]
        if kps[2, i1] > kp_thresh and kps[2, i2] > kp_thresh:
                kp_mask, p1, p2,
                color=colors[l], thickness=2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
        if kps[2, i1] > kp_thresh:
                kp_mask, p1,
                radius=3, color=colors[l], thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
        if kps[2, i2] > kp_thresh:
                kp_mask, p2,
                radius=3, color=colors[l], thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)

    # Blend the keypoints.
    return cv2.addWeighted(img, 1.0 - alpha, kp_mask, alpha, 0)


上一篇:一起来了解一下针对代码级别的性能测试工具 JMH吧!

下一篇:1 Benchmark SQL 数据库测试工具使用——安装使用