c – CRichEditCtrl在获得焦点时选择所有文本

我有一个菜单和CTabCtrl的对话框. CTabCtrl有一个选项卡,其中包含一个CDialog.反过来,它包含一些静态文本和一个CRichEditCtrl.窗口获得和失去焦点没有特别的问题.



Negates the default behavior for an edit control. The default behavior
hides the selection when the control loses the input focus and shows
the selection when the control receives the input focus.
If you
specify ECO_NOHIDESEL, the selected text is inverted, even if the
control does not have the focus.



void EditorDialog :: OnTabSelChange(NMHDR * phdr,LRESULT * pResult){

  CTabCtrl* ptab = (CTabCtrl*) GetDlgItem( IDC_TAB );

  int iPageActive = ptab->GetCurSel();

  if ( iPageActive >= appage.N() ) {
      AKS( AKSWarn, "got tab change to tab %d when I only have %d ppages", iPageActive, appage.N() );

  ppageActive = appage[ iPageActive ];


  SCWinUtilSetWindowTextVA( this, "Editor: %s", ppageActive->pszFileName );

void EditorDialog::SetActivePagePos() {

  // STEP 1: Make the proper tab page visible.

  for ( int i = 0; i < appage.N(); i++ )
      appage[i]->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE );
  ppageActive->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW );

  // STEP 2: Make the new tab page the right size and position.

  CTabCtrl* ptab = (CTabCtrl*) GetDlgItem( IDC_TAB );

  CRect rectTab, rectItem;

  ptab->GetClientRect( &rectTab );
  ptab->GetItemRect( 0, &rectItem );

  int iPageX = rectItem.left   + 2;
  int iPageY = rectItem.bottom + 4;
  int iPageW = rectTab.right   - 2 - iPageX;
  int iPageH = rectTab.bottom  - 2 - iPageY;

  ppageActive->SetWindowPos( &wndTop, iPageX, iPageY, iPageW, iPageH, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER );

  // STEP 3: Give the window focus and let it know to redraw.


  // When the tab changes the entire content of the RichEdit is selected for some reason.
  // As a workaround I manually clear the selection.
  CRichEditCtrl* prich = (CRichEditCtrl*) ppageActive->GetDlgItem( IDC_PATCH );

  // Redrawing just the prich, or the ppageActive, or the ptab, doesn't
  // cause the RichEdit to redraw correctly, but Redrawing the entire dialog does.


Edit和RichEdit控件的默认行为是在获得焦点时选择整个内容. ES_NOHIDESEL不会修改此行为,只是指示控件始终显示其选择,即使它没有输入焦点.


UINT RichEditSelectionPreserving::OnGetDlgCode() {
    // Call the base class implementation
    UINT code = CRichEditCtrl::OnGetDlgCode();
    // And mask out the undesired feature
    code = code & ~DLGC_HASSETSEL;
    return code;
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