iOS7 中的JavaScriptCore简单介绍

以前写过一篇介绍如何使用第三方库在ios上进行js和oc交互调用的文章,链接如下 iOS 使用UIWebView把oc代码和javascript相关联。当时建立项目时,仍然是ios6时代,所以没有原生的交互方法。但是在ios7中,我们有了JavaScriptCore!


This may sound like old news to you if you've already integrated native apps with web apps. Couldn't you do all of that before using a UIWebView?
You're absolutely right; in previous versions of iOS, you could pass a JavaScript string to your web view with the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: message.
And if you wanted to run Objective-C from JavaScript, you could open a URL with a custom scheme (e.g. foo://) and handle it in the web view's delegate method webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigtionType.


关于JavaScriptCore的详细使用,请参看 iOS 7 by Tutorials。

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