MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation

MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation


MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation


  1. Variation of scale in medical images: 医学图像在尺度上的多样性
  2. Probable semantic gap between the corresponding levels of the encoder-decoder: 编解码器对一个级别之间可能存在的语义鸿沟

For 1 problem:

MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation


For 2 problem:

MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation

主要在于不能直接将编码器得到的特征图直接与解码器输出的特征图直接串联,两者之间存在Gap,作者便在跳跃连接的那条路径在加上一些卷积层,称之为“Res Path”


MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation



MultiResUNet: Rethinking the unet architecture for multimodel biomedical image segmentation


下一篇:目标检测(一)R-CNN--Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation(V5)