--授予dba权限 grant dba to userName --回收dba权限 revoke dba from userName --授予用户登录数据库的权限: grant create session to userName; --授予用户操作表空间的权限: grant unlimited tablespace to userName; grant create tablespace to userName; grant alter tablespace to userName; grant drop tablespace to userName; grant manage tablespace to userName; --授予用户操作表的权限: grant create table to userName; (包含有create index权限, alter table, drop table权限) --授予用户操作视图的权限: grant create view to userName; (包含有alter view, drop view权限) --授予用户操作触发器的权限: grant create trigger to userName; (包含有alter trigger, drop trigger权限) --授予用户操作存储过程的权限: grant create procedure to userName;(包含有alter procedure, drop procedure 和function 以及 package权限) --授予用户操作序列的权限: grant create sequence to userName; (包含有创建、修改、删除以及选择序列) --授予用户回退段权限: grant create rollback segment to userName; grant alter rollback segment to userName; grant drop rollback segment to userName; --授予用户同义词权限: grant create synonym to userName;(包含drop synonym权限) grant create public synonym to userName; grant drop public synonym to userName; --授予用户关于用户的权限: grant create user to userName; grant alter user to userName; grant become user to userName; grant drop user to userName; --授予用户关于角色的权限: grant create role to userName; --授予用户操作概要文件的权限 grant create profile to userName; grant alter profile to userName; grant drop profile to userName; --允许从sys用户所拥有的数据字典表中进行选择 grant select any dictionary to userName;