配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )


AEM CQ系列是Adobe下的企业内容管理系统,现在已知的一些企业比如 Deloitte,Ford Racing,这里就不多做基本的介绍了,明白的看!

今天在Docker配置一下author instance, publish instance, apache dispatcher








Author Instance

FROM ubuntu:14.04

RUN mkdir /opt/aem/
RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common
RUN add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
RUN apt-get update # automatically accept oracle license
RUN echo oracle-java7-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
# and install java 7 oracle jdk
RUN apt-get -y install oracle-java7-installer && apt-get clean
RUN update-alternatives --display java
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
WORKDIR /opt/aem/
ADD cq-author-4505.jar /opt/aem/cq-author-4505.jar
ADD license.properties /opt/aem/license.properties RUN java -jar cq-author-4505.jar -unpack -v

运行author instance

docker run -i –t –d -p 4505:4505 <yourName>/aem-auth:6.0 /bin/bash

我们手动的启动AEM instance

java -jar cq-author-4505.jar

配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

运行 之后呢,我们来手动升级一下Service Pack (之后我们会修改Docker让他自动升级Service Pack)

Publish Instance

这里设置publish instance跟author instance非常相似,只是运行

docker run -i –t –d -p 4503:4503 <yourName>/aem-pub:6.0 /bin/bash

java -jar cq-author-4503.jar

运行 同样,我们要升级Service Pack

配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )



docker run -i -t –d -p 8888:80 --name aem-dispatcher ubuntu:14.04


docker exec -i -t aem-dispatcher /bin/bash


apt-get update
apt-get install -y apache2


第1步 (步骤有点多,分开写)


配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

  • 在/etc/apache2的目录下创建一个conf的文件夹,并把刚才解压缩后的dispatcher.any文件拷贝过去   cp dispatcher.any /etc/apache2/conf

配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

  • 拷贝dispatcher-apache2.4-4.1.8.so 到/usr/lib/apache2/modules (这里名字就不做修改了,如果是production,建议修改成apache标准的命名例如mod_aem.so)

配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

第2步 (修改/etc/apache2/apache2.conf 文件)

粘贴下面的到这个 apache2.conf 最下面,请保证红色注释的文件名可以在系统内存在

配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )
LoadModule dispatcher_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/dispatcher-apache2.4-4.1.8.so

<IfModule disp_apache2.c>
# location of the configuration file. eg: 'conf/dispatcher.any'
DispatcherConfig /etc/apache2/conf/dispatcher.any
# location of the dispatcher log file. eg: 'logs/dispatcher.log'
DispatcherLog /var/log/apache2/dispatcher.log # log level for the dispatcher log
# 0 Errors
# 1 Warnings
# 2 Infos
# 3 Debug
DispatcherLogLevel 3 # if turned to 1, the dispatcher looks like a normal module
DispatcherNoServerHeader 0 # if turned to 1, request to / are not handled by the dispatcher
# use the mod_alias then for the correct mapping
DispatcherDeclineRoot 0 # if turned to 1, the dispatcher uses the URL already processed
# by handlers preceeding the dispatcher (i.e. mod_rewrite)
# instead of the original one passed to the web server.
DispatcherUseProcessedURL 0 # if turned to 1, the dispatcher does not spool an error
# response to the client (where the status code is greater
# or equal than 400), but passes the status code to
# Apache, which e.g. allows an ErrorDocument directive
# to process such a status code. DispatcherPassError 0
</IfModule> <Directory /> <IfModule disp_apache2.c>
# enable dispatcher for ALL request. if this is too restrictive,
# move it to another location
SetHandler dispatcher-handler
</IfModule> Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None </Directory>
配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )
第3步 (修改/etc/apache2/conf/dispatcher.any 文件
配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )
/hostname ""
[2]--> /port "4503"
配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )
配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )
{ # The docroot must be equal to the document root of the webserver. The
# dispatcher will store files relative to this directory and subsequent
# requests may be "declined" by the dispatcher, allowing the webserver
# to deliver them just like static files.
/docroot "/var/www"
配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

    /allowAuthorized "1"

第4步,开始apache2 服务

这就没什么说的了 ,如果有错,请仔细检查

service apache2 start




配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )



配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )


配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )


配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )


配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

我们要检查一下apache的LOG, Log写的很清楚,因为没有权限写入/var/www,好吧,我们来给他加个权限

配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www


配置 AEM CQ6 (author + publish + apache dispatcher + ubuntu )


Best Regards


上一篇:Docker(十三)-Docker save and load镜像保存

下一篇:[linux] C语言Linux系统编程-socket开发响应HTTP协议