
我一直在关注如何将Community Auth安装到codeigniter.我按照安装指南中的说明进行操作:

15 Create a user for testing purposes by editing the user_data array
that is inside the create_user method, which is in the Examples
controller. When specifying a user level, be aware of the
“levels_and_roles” array located in config/authentication. In order to
login in the next step the user level must be set to 9, which by
default is an admin. Also note that this method of user creation does
not account for password strength, yet the login validation does. A
password that is strong enough will have an uppercase letter, a
number, and be at least 8 characters long. Run /examples/create_user
in your browser to create the user.



            $user_data = array(
            'user_name'     => 'admin',
            'user_pass'     => 'admiN123',
            'user_email'    => '',
            'user_level'    => '9', // 9 if you want to login @ examples/index.




Open up /application/config/config.php. Find the log_threshold setting
and change it to 2 or greater. 2 is the lowest level that allows for
debug level error messages to be logged, and this is the level that
Community Auth uses.

$config['log_threshold'] = 2;


上一篇:致命错误CodeIgniter CI_Controller找不到

下一篇:php-Codeigniter,Activerecord和MySQL UDF