
qos car inbound/outbound any cir 10000
qos lr outbound any cir 10000 ---------只能outbound
1、QoS(Quality of Service,服务质量)
[TJBTN-SR6608X-OutLineRouter-Route-Aggregation400]qos ?
apply Apply specific QoS policy
car Configure Committed Access Rate (CAR)
cq Apply a custom queue list to an interface
fifo Configure First In First Out (FIFO) queuing
flow-interval Specify the traffic rate statistics collecting interval
gts Configure Generic Traffic Shaping (GTS)
lr Configure Line Rate (LR)
pq Apply a priority queue list to an interface
reserved-bandwidth Set the maximum reserved bandwidth as a percentage of available bandwidth
rtpq Enable real-time transport protocol queuing for RTP packets to specific UDP ports
wfq Configure Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)
wred Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) configuration information

应用 应用特定QoS策略

car 配置提交访问率(car)

cq 将自定义队列列表应用于接口

FIFO 配置先进先出(FIFO)队列


GTS 配置通用流量成形(GTS)

LR 配置线速率(LR)

PQ 将优先级队列列表应用于接口

保留带宽 将最大保留带宽设置为可用带宽的百分比

RTPQ 为RTP启用实时传输协议队列


WFQ 配置加权公平排队(WFQ)

wred 加权随机早期检测(wred)配置信息
inbound Limit the rate on inbound
outbound Limit the rate on outbound

入站 限制入站速率

出站 限制出站速率
acl Packets matching the ACL
any All packets
carl Specify the CAR list

acl 与ACL匹配的数据包
any 所有数据包


cir Specify Committed Information Rate (CIR)

CIR 指定承诺信息率(CIR)

INTEGER<8-10000000> Value of CIR in kbps

整数<8-10000000> cir值(Kbps)

上一篇:linux – tbf中的存储桶大小

下一篇:消息队列 64式 : 1、rabbitmq qos原理分析