- Chap 1: Linear Equations and Matrix
- Linear equations
- Gaussian elimination
- Pivot;
- Triangularize;
- Back substitution;
- Coefficient matrix, augmented matrix, row vector & column vector;
- the meaning of Ai*, A*j;
- 3 situations of solution existence (under the view of linear equations): 0,1 or infinite;
- Computational complexity: n^3/3+...;
- Gaussian-Jordan Method
- Floating number
- Form: f=± .d1 d2 ... dt * b^n (d1≠0);
- Roundoff error;
- 02-03Search a 2D Matrix
- 02-03ICPC济南A-Matrix Equation:高斯消元,异或线性方程
- 02-03【leetcode】 Search a 2D Matrix (easy)
- 02-03使用test BSP application CRM_THTMLB_TEST
- 02-03Delphi - Application.MessageBox
- 02-03CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server
- 02-03Lintcode: Matrix Zigzag Traversal
- 02-03android – 你如何投射RuntimeEnvironment.application?
- 02-03Springboot 配置类( @Configuration) 不能使用@Value注解从application.propertyes中加载值以及Environment为null解决方案
- 02-03[LeetCode] 74. Search a 2D Matrix_Medium tag: Binary Search