

Complete each sentence using the words given below. Each word can be used only once. Change the form where necessary.
fraught revert hassle recounted comprehensive
upcoming transition investors apathy deduct
gamble demanding highlight redirect sympathize
galvanized repay thriving economics aimless
It is said that Mr Philips is running for a position in the local government in the 1) elections.
What can we do to 2) all the accomplishments our company has had in the past five years?
Professor Smith said that Sharon was 3) with indecision over where to go to college.
Too many people accuse students of ignorance about or 4) towards international issues.
The politician wrote a tell-all book in which she 5) her experience during the campaign.
Risking my entire life savings on a single horse race is not a(n) 6) I'm willing to take.
My mother was a very 7) woman, but she only wanted the best for my sister and me.
If you lend me money today, I promise that I can 8) you after I get paid on Friday.
The purpose of the canal was to 9) the river and provide water to more farmland.
Thankfully, Maria was a tremendous help as I made the 10) into my new position.
Twenty years ago, it was a fact that this was a wealthy, 11) community.
Please remember that we need to 12) taxes from your paycheck.
The virus disabled the software which, hence, needed to 13) to an earlier version.
Many 14) lost a lot of money when the stock market fell sharply and unexpectedly last month.
My employer offers a(n) 15) benefits package that is difficult to give up.
To everyone's surprise, the aid appeal has 16) the country's business community.
After several hours of 17) searching they were getting low on fuel.
After thinking through the 18) of the censoring process, however, he reluctantly gave up, and referred her to another publisher.
Those who have the same illness 19) with each other.
20) is the study of the way in which money, industry, and trade are organized in a society.
1) upcoming 2) highlight 3) fraught 4) apathy 5) recounted 6) gamble 7) demanding 8) repay 9) redirect 10) transition 11) thriving 12) deduct 13) revert 14) investors 15) comprehensive 16) galvanized 17) aimless 18) hassle 19) sympathize 20) Economics
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Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition or adverb.
All right, it's time to pack our things and move to the new office upstairs.
21) up
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The counselor suggested that Felipe talk his problems with his brother.
22) through
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Some Europeans sympathize the Americans over the issue.
23) with
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I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn a free trip to the Caribbean.
24) down
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Jordan bought three cases of bottled water fear that the storm would cause serious damage to water supply pipeline.
25) for
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all means, please try your best to finish all your assignments ahead of schedule.
26) By
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Stephen looked in horror as the fire consumed his apartment building.
27) on
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After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself a big piece of chocolate cake.
28) to
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We're all the same boat; so let's try to be nice and open-minded to one another.
29) in
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Obviously, his question came of the blue and caught me by surprise.
30) out
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