August 3rd, 2016, Week 32nd, Wednesday

I am looking for someone to share in an adventure.


We are all looking for someone to share our adventures in life, because many things may become meaningless if not shared with others.

I really want to say to someone that 'Let's go through the life together.'

However, I am an introvert, it is destined that I would miss a lot of people and a lot of pleasures in life.

If I can't change my character and temperament, I can imagine the future image that a lone loser, goes through life with no friends and no family.

Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.


You can't choose your family backgrouds, but you can choose the family backgrounds of your son or daughter.

Compared to most people, I was born of fairly well-to-do parents, but it seems I can't improve my family to a even better place.

Frankly speaking, I am indeed a loser.

I could have done very well, but I failed.

上一篇:第9章 使用客户端凭据保护API - Identity Server 4 中文文档(v1.0.0)
