SharePoint report site.

  1. Create site.

    SharePoint report site.

  2. Upload rdl files into Dashboards lib.

    SharePoint report site.

  3. Manage Data source.

    Select the rdl file and click …

    SharePoint report site.

    Data sources defined in the rdl file should be listed here.

    SharePoint report site.

    Click the data source name.

    If you select custom data source, you can change the connection string, credentials, etc.

    SharePoint report site.

    If you select shared data source, shared data source is listed.


  4. How to create shared data source.

    Create a xml file and paste the following content into it.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <DataSourceDefinition xmlns="">


    <ConnectString>Data Source=<server>,<port>;Initial Catalog=<database name></ConnectString>






    And save it with file extension rsds.

    After uploading it into the Dashboards library, you can select it when managing data sources for rdl files.

