1.Linux 下第一支C程序,控制台打印一句话。
vi first.c //linux新建文件 #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("welcome to Linux ,this is the first C program!"); ; } 编译;gcc -o first first.c //linux编译文件 执行: ./first //linux执行文件
vi second.c #include<stdio.h> int main() { int x , y , sum ; x = ; y = ; sum = x + y ; printf("sum is %d",sum); ; } //编译执行命令与第一支C程序相同。
3.整形数据 占字节数
#include<stdio.h> int main() { short int i; int j; long int k; int a,b,c; a = sizeof(i); b = sizeof(j); c = sizeof(k); printf("a is %d\n",a); printf("b is %d\n",b); printf("c is %d\n",c); //return 0; don't write return is OK? } output : a b c
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ float i ; double j; int a , b ; a = sizeof(i); b = sizeof(j); printf("a is %d \n b is %d \n",a , b);// bit number float c = 88888.88888; double d = 88888888888.88888888; printf("c is %f \n d is %f \n",c,d);//%f小数最多输出六位 } output: a b c is 88888.890625 //i是单精度浮点数,有效位数为7,整数占据5位,小数占2位,第二位位四舍五入结果,后面均为无效数字 d is 88888888888.888885//j双精度,有效16位,整数占11位,小数占5位,后面为无效数。
//C语言字符用''单引号:eg : 'A' //转义字符:\n,换行,相当于enter // \t,跳到下一个tab位置,相当于tab键 // \b,退格,将当前位置移到前一列,相当于backspace // \\,反斜杠字符 // \‘,单引号字符 // \",双引号字符 // \0,空字符,用在字符串中 // \ddd,一到三位8进制代表的字符,如\101代表字符A // \xhh,1到2位十六进制代表的字符,如\x41代表字符A //字符变量定义:char c1 , c2 = 'A'; 占1字节,8bit, '\n'是一个转义字符 #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int c1 ,c2 ; char c3; printf("c3 is %d \n",sizeof(c3)); c1 = 'a' - 'A'; c2 = 'b' - 'B'; c3 = ; printf("c1 is %d and c2 is %d \n" , c1 ,c2); printf("c3 is %d and %c \n",c3,c3); ; } output: c3 c1 and c2 c3 and C