'Why' 和 'Because'

Why 和 because

使用疑问词 why 询问原因,使用单词 because 说明原因。

A: Why did you go to Paris?						你为什么去巴黎?

B: I went to Paris because it's beautiful!		我去巴黎因为她太美了!

单词 because 引出原因从句,比如 because it’s beautiful。原因从句与提出句子主题的主句共同使用,比如 I went to Paris。下面还有一些例子。

主句          					原因从句

I go to that restaurant 	because it's cheap, and the food is delicious.       

I love surfing				because it's exciting.

I go to concerts			because I enjoy classical music.

在英语口语中,常常只用带有 because 的分句回答问题。主句 (I went to Paris) 意思都明白。

A: Why did you go to Paris?		Why did you go to Paris? Because it's beautiful!

B: Because it's beautiful!	 	因为它美极了!
