TED地道用语学习 - <脆弱的力量> - 3








And original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.

---- of + who you are



Have the courage to be imperfect.



Because, as it turns out, we can’t practice compassion with other people if we can‘t treat ourselves kindly.

----turn out

----parctice compassion with 对…慈悲/怜悯



And that was the hard part..


As a result of authenticity

----authenticity 真实性,原真性,确实性



They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they are.

---- be willing to

---- let go of

----他们愿意放开自己设定的那个理想自我(执着即菩提), 以换取真正的自我!


They fully embraced vulnerability



They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful.



They didn’t talk about vulnerability being comfortable, nor did they really talk about it being excruciating—they just talked about it being necessary.

---- excruciating 折磨人的,极痛苦的



The willingness to do something where there are no guarantees, the willingness to breathe through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram.

---- mammogram 乳房X光检查

----breathe through + ing



The are willing to invest in a relationship that may or may not work out.

---- invest + in 投资于

----may or may not work out 无论有无结果


I personally thought it was betrayal.

---- betrayal 注意发音 [bɪ'treɪəl]


I could not believe I had pledged allegiance to research, where our job…

----pledge [pledʒ] 保证给予(或做),正式承诺

---- allegiance [ə'liːdʒ(ə)ns] 效忠,拥戴

----pledge allegiance 宣誓


You know, the definition of research is to control and predict, to study phenomena


And now my mission to control and predict had turned up the answer that the way to live is with vulnerability and to stop controlling and prediciting.

---- 而我现在的使命,即控制和预测,却给出一个这样的结果:要想与脆弱并存, 就要停止控制和预测


This led to a little breakdown.



My therapist calls it a spiritual awakening.

---- therapist (某治疗法的)治疗专家,(尤指心理疗法的)治疗师   (A therapist is a person who is skilled in a particular type of therapy, especially psychotherapy – 柯林斯)



And I had to put my data away and go find a therapist.

---- put … away

---- go find


I wouldn’t want to be your therapist.

---- wouldn’t want


Don‘t bring your measuring stick.


I brought in my list of the way the whole-hearted live, and I sat down.

---- bring in



Because their B.S. meters are good

---- 因为他们的废话测量仪很准(知道你何时在说真心话)


And I know that vulnerability is kind of the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it’s also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love.



no family stuff, no children shit..


so she goes like this..

---- 她的反应是这样的


Oh my god, this is going to suck.

---- 我的天,要悲剧了!


And you know how there are people that, when they realize that vulnerability and tenderness are important, that they kind of surrender and walk into it.


----surrender  投降,放弃

----当他们发现脆弱和温柔很重要的时候,他们放下所有戒备, 欣然接受。



I don’t hang out with people like that



For me, it was a yearlong street fight.

---- yearlong

---- street fight


It was a slugfest. Vulnerability pushed, I pushed back.

---- 激烈的争斗(或比赛),对手猛烈击打的拳击比赛

---- 脆弱打我一拳,我又还击一拳。


I lost the fight, but probably won my life.


Am I alone in struggling with vulnerability?

---- alone in + ing


So this is I learned. We numb vulnerability.


Within an hour and a half, I had 150 responses.


Because I wanted to know what’s out there.

---- 我想知道大家都是怎么想的


Initiating sex with my husband.


Being turned down.


