Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist 错误


拒绝原因:Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but we were unable to play any audible content when the application was running in the background.

翻译:在你的Info.plist文件中设置了后台仍能播放音频模式(也就是UIBackgroundModes模式),但是当应用运行在后台时,没有任何功能是有关音频的. 大概意思:你app配置告诉我后台可以播放音频, 但是app在后台时,没有任何功能会播放音频.

解决办法:描述下你app的这个功能, 打开这个对应的音频功能, 然后切入后台, 还在播放语音, 然后切换前台. OK了, 把这个用英文描述出来回封邮件就行了. 同时, 最好再录制一个视频, 录下这段视频上传土豆/优酷, 然后把对应的地址也写在邮件了. 然后提交的时候, 把这个地址放在备注里, 一切OK了~~~~


Dear Sir or Madam:

My app was rejected: "Your app declares to support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but we were unable to play any audible content when the application was running in the background"

I've made a video.Link address:

My company also has a similar app, the name is “石家庄~~~”, AppleID is: 114~~~. The functions of these two app are very similar, all have voice navigation play function.

Thank you very much!


我的app被拒绝了,拒绝原因:”Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but we were unable to play any audible content when the application was running in the background.”

我录制了一个视频, 链接地址:   (最好在这里描述下你的操作, 随便了~~)

我公司还有一个相似的app, 名字是”石家庄~~~”, AppleID是:1147~~~,这两个app的功能十分相似, 都有语音导航播放功能.




如果你只描述, 不给对应的演示链接, 既有可能被再次拒绝

拒绝原因: We began the review of your app but are not able to continue because we need access to a video that demonstrates the background audio feature of your app in use in background mode on an iOS device.To provide a link to a demo video. 翻译:我们开始审核你的app, 但是我们不能继续,因为我需要一个视频, 来演示当app切换到后台时, 有可以播放语音的功能.提供一个链接去演示.(是不是操蛋了~~~)

没法了, 乖乖按上面方法录制视频吧~~~~~

最后, 分享一下我的加急邮件(ps:新项目, 没法子搞啥重大bug,只能围绕活动来说了)

Dear Sir or Madam:

This app is my company to cooperate with the Shijiazhuang municipal government, in order to solve the parking problem in Shijiazhuang city. We were originally scheduled to be on line 2016-9-12, at the same time also informed the city's residents, tens of thousands of residents are looking forward to the app line, it will bring great convenience to their travel.

Before app on the line,we have done a lot of user experience survey, we have received a lot of feedback from the public, the city's residents are looking forward to the arrival of 2016-9-12 this day. Before this, Our company has invested millions of RMB in the operation promotion and parking lot hardware, If not on this day on the line, will cause a huge loss to the company. At the same time, tens of thousands of people in Shijiazhuang will be disappointed, because they expect a long time app can not be downloaded in a timely manner.

Hope to get your help, thank you very much! Thousands of Shijiazhuang people will thank you!



这个app是我公司跟石家庄市*合作的, 是为了解决石家庄市居民停车难问题. 我们原定在2016-9-12日上线, 同时也告知了全市居民, 成千上万的居民都很期待这个app的上线, 这会给他们的出行带来极大的便利.

在app上线之前, 我们做了大量的用户体验调查, 我们收到了许多市民的反馈, 全市居民都很期待 2016-9-12这一天的到来. 在这之前, 我们公司已经在运营推广和停车场硬件上投入了几百万人民币, 如果不能在这天上线, 会给公司造成巨大损失.同时, 成千上万的石家庄市民也会感到失望, 因为他们期待已久的app不能及时下载使用.


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