c – Qt5是否有类似StringBuilder或StringBuffer的类?


C(std :: stringstream),C#(StringBuilder)和Java(StringBuffer)都有这些类. Qt怎么样?


不推荐使用QStringBuilder.从Qt docs开始:

In 4.6, an internal template class QStringBuilder has been added along with a few helper functions. This class is marked internal and does not appear in the documentation, because you aren’t meant to instantiate it in your code. Its use will be automatic, as described below. The class is found in src/corelib/tools/qstringbuilder.cpp if you want to have a look at it.


#include <QStringBuilder>

QString hello("hello");
QStringRef el(&hello, 2, 3);
QLatin1String world("world");
QString message =  hello % el % world % QChar('!');

你可以使用你需要的所有东西,比如std :: stringstream.


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