
su:Swith user 切换用户,切换到root用户

cat: Concatenate 串联

uname: Unix name 系统名称

df: Disk free 空余硬盘

du: Disk usage 硬盘使用率

chown: Change owner 改变所有者

chgrp: Change group 改变用户组

ps:Process Status 进程状态

tar:Tape archive 解压文件

chmod: Change mode 改变模式

umount: Unmount 卸载

ldd:List dynamic dependencies 列出动态相依

insmod:Install module 安装模块

rmmod:Remove module 删除模块

lsmod:List module 列表模块

alias :Create your own name for a command

bash :GNU Bourne-Again Shell linux内核

grep:global regular expression print

httpd :Start Apache

ipcalc :Calculate IP information for a host

ping :Send ICMP ECHO_Request to network hosts

reboot: Restart your computer

sudo:Superuser do

/bin = BINaries

/dev = DEVices

/etc = ETCetera

/lib = LIBrary

/proc = PROCesses

/sbin = Superuser BINaries

/tmp = TeMPorary

/usr = Unix Shared Resources

/var = VARiable ?

FIFO = First In, First Out

GRUB = GRand Unified Bootloader

IFS = Internal Field Seperators

LILO = LInux LOader

MySQL = My最初作者的名字SQL = Structured Query Language

PHP = Personal Home Page Tools = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

PS = Prompt String

Perl = "Pratical Extraction and Report Language" = "Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister"

Python Monty Python's Flying Circus

Tcl = Tool Command Language

Tk = ToolKit

VT = Video Terminal

YaST = Yet Another Setup Tool

apache = "a patchy" server

apt = Advanced Packaging Tool

ar = archiver

as = assembler

bash = Bourne Again SHell

bc = Basic (Better) Calculator

bg = BackGround

cal = CALendar

cat = CATenate

cd = Change Directory

chgrp = CHange GRouP

chmod = CHange MODe

chown = CHange OWNer

chsh = CHange SHell

cmp = compare

cobra = Common Object Request Broker Architecture

comm = common

cp = CoPy

cpio = CoPy In and Out

cpp = C Pre Processor

cups = Common Unix Printing System

cvs = Current Version System

daemon = Disk And Execution MONitor

dc = Desk Calculator

dd = Disk Dump

df = Disk Free

diff = DIFFerence

dmesg = diagnostic message

du = Disk Usage

ed = editor

egrep = Extended GREP

elf = Extensible Linking Format

elm = ELectronic Mail

emacs = Editor MACroS

eval = EVALuate

ex = EXtended

exec = EXECute

fd = file descriptors

fg = ForeGround

fgrep = Fixed GREP

fmt = format

fsck = File System ChecK

fstab = FileSystem TABle

fvwm = F*** Virtual Window Manager

gawk = GNU AWK

gpg = GNU Privacy Guard

groff = GNU troff

hal = Hardware Abstraction Layer

joe = Joe's Own Editor

ksh = Korn SHell

lame = Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder

lex = LEXical analyser

lisp = LISt Processing = Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses

ln = LiNk

lpr = Line PRint

ls = list

lsof = LiSt Open Files

m4 = Macro processor Version 4

man = MANual pages

mawk = Mike Brennan's AWK

mc = Midnight Commander

mkfs = MaKe FileSystem

mknod = MaKe NODe

motd = Message of The Day

mozilla = MOsaic GodZILLa

mtab = Mount TABle

mv = MoVe

nano = Nano's ANOther editor

nawk = New AWK

nl = Number of Lines

nm = names

nohup = No HangUP

nroff = New ROFF

od = Octal Dump

passwd = PASSWorD

pg = pager

pico = PIne's message COmposition editor

pine = "Program for Internet News & Email" = "Pine is not Elm"

ping = Packet InterNet Grouper

pirntcap = PRINTer CAPability

popd = POP Directory

pr = pre

printf = PRINT Formatted

ps = Processes Status

pty = pseudo tty

pushd = PUSH Directory

pwd = Print Working Directory

rc = runcom = run command, shell

rev = REVerse

rm = ReMove

rn = Read News

roff = RunOFF

rpm = RPM Package Manager = RedHat Package Manager

rsh, rlogin, = Remote

rxvt = ouR XVT

sed = Stream EDitor

seq = SEQuence

shar = SHell ARchive

slrn = S-Lang rn

ssh = Secure SHell

ssl = Secure Sockets Layer

stty = Set TTY

su = Substitute User

svn = SubVersioN

tar = Tape ARchive

tcsh = TENEX C shell

telnet = TEminaL over Network

termcap = terminal capability

terminfo = terminal information

tr = traslate

troff = Typesetter new ROFF

tsort = Topological SORT

tty = TeleTypewriter

twm = Tom's Window Manager

tz = TimeZone

udev = Userspace DEV

ulimit = User's LIMIT

umask = User's MASK

uniq = UNIQue

vi = VIsual = Very Inconvenient

vim = Vi IMproved

wall = write all

wc = Word Count

wine = WINE Is Not an Emulator

xargs = eXtended ARGuments

xdm = X Display Manager

xlfd = X Logical Font Description

xmms = X Multimedia System

xrdb = X Resources DataBase

xwd = X Window Dump

yacc = yet another compiler compiler



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