初级美语 L97 By Taxi 解析


One of the most convenient ways to get around a city is by taxi. However, it is also the most expensive way. In some cases, tipping is expected, too.

On the other hand, a taxi driver knows the city like the back of his hand. He can quickly take you to any place you want to visit. the taxi ride might be expensive, but it's time-saving.


■ One of the most convenient ways to get around a city is by taxi.

  • 定:One of the most convenient
  • 主:ways
  • 定:to get around a city
    • 介:to
    • 谓:get around
    • 宾:a city
  • 系:is
  • 表:by taxi.

get around + 地方名词:在某地到处走动/四处走走

■ However, it is also the most expensive way.

  • 状:However,
  • 主:it
  • 系:is
  • 状:also
  • 定:the most expensive
  • 表:way.

■ In some cases, tipping is expected, too.

  • 状:In some cases,
  • 主:tipping (动名词)
  • 系:is
  • 表:expected,
  • 状:too.

be expected to + 动词原形:被预期...
excepted + (人) + to + 动词原形:期望(某人)...

■ On the other hand, a taxi driver knows the city like the back of his hand.

  • 状:On the other hand,
  • 主:a taxi driver
  • 谓:knows
  • 宾:the city
  • 方状:like the back of his hand.(作副词用)
    • 介:like
    • 定:the back of his
    • 宾:hand.

know + 事物/人 + like the back of one's hand:对某事物或人了如指掌。

■ He can quickly take you to any place you want to visit.

= He can quickly take you to any place(that/which)you want to visit.

  • 主:He
  • 状:quickly
  • 谓:can take
  • 间宾:you
  • 直宾:to any place you want to visit.
    • 介:to
    • 宾:any place
    • 限制性定从:(that/which)you want to visit.
      • 主:you
      • 谓:want
      • 宾:to visit.

:如果关系代词在限制性定从中作动词的宾语时,此关系词可省略。此句 that/which 作 visit 的宾语。

■ the taxi ride might be expensive, but it's time-saving.

  • 主:the taxi ride
  • 系:might be
  • 表:expensive,
  • 连:but
  • 主:it
  • 系:is
  • 表:time-saving.


  1. 数量代词的用法。
  2. by 与表示交通工具的名词之间的关系。
  3. may 与 might 均为助动词。


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