Linux select/poll机制原理分析

转自 linux内核之旅

以下文章来源于LoyenWang ,作者LoyenWang


  • Read the fucking source code!  --By 鲁迅

  • A picture is worth a thousand words. --By 高尔基

1. 概述


  1. Blocking IO Model,阻塞IO模型

  2. Nonblocking I/O Model,非阻塞IO模型

  3. I/O Multiplexing Model,IO多路复用模型;

  4. Signal Driven I/O Model,信号驱动IO模型

  5. Asynchronous I/O Model,异步IO模型



Linux select/poll机制原理分析


  • 阻塞IO模型:在IO访问的时候,如果条件没有满足,会将当前任务切换出去,等到条件满足时再切换回来。

    • 缺点:阻塞IO操作,会让处于同一个线程的执行逻辑都在阻塞期间无法执行,这往往意味着需要创建单独的线程来交互。

  • 非阻塞IO模型:在IO访问的时候,如果条件没有满足,直接返回,不会block该任务的后续操作。

    • 缺点:非阻塞IO需要用户一直轮询操作,轮询可能会来带CPU的占用问题。


Linux select/poll机制原理分析



  • select:

Linux select/poll机制原理分析


  • poll

Linux select/poll机制原理分析




2. 原理

2.1 select系统调用


Linux select/poll机制原理分析


  • select系统调用,最终的核心逻辑是在do_select函数中处理的,参考fs/select.c文件;

  • do_select函数中,有几个关键的操作:

    1. 初始化poll_wqueues结构,包括几个关键函数指针的初始化,用于驱动中进行回调处理;

    2. 循环遍历监测的文件描述符,并且调用f_op->poll()函数,如果有监测条件满足,则会跳出循环;

    3. 在监测的文件描述符都不满足条件时,poll_schedule_timeout让当前进程进行睡眠,超时唤醒,或者被所属的等待队列唤醒;

  • do_select函数的循环退出条件有三个:

    1. 检测的文件描述符满足条件;

    2. 超时;

    3. 有信号要处理;

  • 在设备驱动程序中实现的poll()函数,会在do_select()中被调用,而驱动中的poll()函数,需要调用poll_wait()函数,poll_wait函数本身很简单,就是去回调函数p->_qproc(),这个回调函数正是poll_initwait()函数中初始化的__pollwait()


2.2 __pollwait

Linux select/poll机制原理分析


  • 驱动中的poll_wait函数回调__pollwait,这个函数完成的工作是向struct poll_wqueue结构中添加一条poll_table_entry

  • poll_table_entry中包含了等待队列的相关数据结构;

  • 对等待队列的相关数据结构进行初始化,包括设置等待队列唤醒时的回调函数指针,设置成pollwake

  • 将任务添加到驱动程序中的等待队列中,最终驱动可以通过wake_up_interruptile等接口来唤醒处理;

这一顿操作,其实就是驱动向select维护的struct poll_wqueue中注册,并将调用select的任务添加到驱动的等待队列中,以便在合适的时机进行唤醒。所以,本质上来说,这是基于等待队列的机制来实现的。


2.3 数据结构关系

Linux select/poll机制原理分析


  • 调用select系统调用的进程/线程,会维护一个struct poll_wqueues结构,其中两个关键字段:

    1. pll_table:该结构体中的函数指针_qproc指向__pollwait函数;

    2. struct poll_table_entry[]:存放不同设备的poll_table_entry,这些条目的增加是在驱动调用poll_wait->__pollwait()时进行初始化并完成添加的;

2.4 驱动编写启示


  1. 定义一个等待队列头wait_queue_head_t,用于收留等待队列任务;

  2. struct file_operations结构体中的poll函数需要实现,比如xxx_poll()

  3. xxx_poll()函数中,当然不要忘了poll_wait函数的调用了,此外,该函数的返回值mask需要注意是在条件满足时对应的值,比如EPOLLIN/EPOLL/EPOLLERR等,这个返回值是在do_select()函数中会去判断处理的;

  4. 条件满足的时候,wake_up_interruptible唤醒任务,当然也可以使用wake_up,区别是:wake_up_interruptible只能唤醒处于TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE状态的任务,而wake_up能唤醒处于TASK_INTERRUPTIBLETASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE状态的任务;

2.5 select/poll的差异

  • selectpoll本质上基本类似,其中select是由BSD UNIX引入,pollSystemV引入;

  • selectpoll需要轮询文件描述符集合,并在用户态和内核态之间进行拷贝,在文件描述符很多的情况下开销会比较大,select默认支持的文件描述符数量是1024;

  • Linux提供了epoll机制,改进了selectpoll在效率与资源上的缺点,未深入了解;

3. 示例代码

3.1 内核驱动


  1. 驱动维护一个count值,当count值大于0时,表明条件满足,poll返回正常的mask值;

  2. poll函数每执行一次,count值就减去一次;

  3. count的值可以由用户通过ioctl来进行设置;

#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/poll.h>#include <linux/wait.h>#include <linux/cdev.h>#include <linux/mutex.h>#include <linux/slab.h>#include <asm/ioctl.h>
#define POLL_DEV_NAME		"poll"
#define POLL_MAGIC		'P'#define POLL_SET_COUNT      (_IOW(POLL_MAGIC, 0, unsigned int))
struct poll_dev {	struct cdev cdev;	struct class *class;	struct device *device;
	wait_queue_head_t wq_head;
	struct mutex poll_mutex;	unsigned int count;
	dev_t devno;};
struct poll_dev *g_poll_dev = NULL;
static int poll_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){	filp->private_data = g_poll_dev;
	return 0;}
static int poll_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){	return 0;}
static unsigned int poll_poll(struct file *filp, struct poll_table_struct *wait){	unsigned int mask = 0;	struct poll_dev *dev = filp->private_data;
	poll_wait(filp, &dev->wq_head, wait);
	if (dev->count > 0) {		mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM;
		/* decrease each time */		dev->count--;	}	mutex_unlock(&dev->poll_mutex);
	return mask;}
static long poll_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd,		unsigned long arg){	struct poll_dev *dev = filp->private_data;	unsigned int cnt;
	switch (cmd) {		case POLL_SET_COUNT:			mutex_lock(&dev->poll_mutex);			if (copy_from_user(&cnt, (void __user *)arg, _IOC_SIZE(cmd))) {				pr_err("copy_from_user fail:%d\n", __LINE__);				return -EFAULT;			}
			if (dev->count == 0) {				wake_up_interruptible(&dev->wq_head);			}
			/* update count */			dev->count += cnt;
			mutex_unlock(&dev->poll_mutex);			break;		default:			return -EINVAL;	}
	return 0;}
static struct file_operations poll_fops = {	.owner = THIS_MODULE,	.open = poll_open,	.release = poll_close,	.poll = poll_poll,	.unlocked_ioctl = poll_ioctl,	.compat_ioctl = poll_ioctl,};
static int __init poll_init(void){	int ret;
	if (g_poll_dev == NULL) {		g_poll_dev = (struct poll_dev *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct poll_dev), GFP_KERNEL);		if (g_poll_dev == NULL) {			pr_err("struct poll_dev allocate fail\n");			return -1;		}	}
	/* allocate device number */	ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&g_poll_dev->devno, 0, 1, POLL_DEV_NAME);	if (ret < 0) {		pr_err("alloc_chrdev_region fail:%d\n", ret);		goto alloc_chrdev_err;	}
	/* set char-device */	cdev_init(&g_poll_dev->cdev, &poll_fops);	g_poll_dev->cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;	ret = cdev_add(&g_poll_dev->cdev, g_poll_dev->devno, 1);	if (ret < 0) {		pr_err("cdev_add fail:%d\n", ret);		goto cdev_add_err;	}
	/* create device */	g_poll_dev->class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, POLL_DEV_NAME);	if (IS_ERR(g_poll_dev->class)) {		pr_err("class_create fail\n");		goto class_create_err;	}	g_poll_dev->device = device_create(g_poll_dev->class, NULL,			g_poll_dev->devno, NULL, POLL_DEV_NAME);	if (IS_ERR(g_poll_dev->device)) {		pr_err("device_create fail\n");		goto device_create_err;	}
	mutex_init(&g_poll_dev->poll_mutex);	init_waitqueue_head(&g_poll_dev->wq_head);
	return 0;
device_create_err:	class_destroy(g_poll_dev->class);class_create_err:	cdev_del(&g_poll_dev->cdev);cdev_add_err:	unregister_chrdev_region(g_poll_dev->devno, 1);alloc_chrdev_err:	kfree(g_poll_dev);	g_poll_dev = NULL;	return -1;}
static void __exit poll_exit(void){	cdev_del(&g_poll_dev->cdev);	device_destroy(g_poll_dev->class, g_poll_dev->devno);	unregister_chrdev_region(g_poll_dev->devno, 1);	class_destroy(g_poll_dev->class);
	kfree(g_poll_dev);	g_poll_dev = NULL;}

3.2 测试代码


  1. 创建一个设值线程,用于每隔2秒来设置一次count值;

  2. 主线程调用select函数监听,当设值线程设置了count值后,select便会返回;

#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <errno.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/time.h>
static void *set_count_thread(void *arg){	int fd = *(int *)arg;	unsigned int count_value = 1;	int loop_cnt = 20;	int ret;
	while (loop_cnt--) {		ret = ioctl(fd, NOTIFY_SET_COUNT, &count_value);		if (ret < 0) {			printf("ioctl set count value fail:%s\n", strerror(errno));			return NULL;		}
		sleep(1);	}
	return NULL;}
int main(void){	int fd;	int ret;	pthread_t setcnt_tid;	int loop_cnt = 20;
	/* for select use */	fd_set rfds;	struct timeval tv;
	fd = open("/dev/poll", O_RDWR);	if (fd < 0) {		printf("/dev/poll open failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));		return -1;	}
	/* wait up to five seconds */	tv.tv_sec = 5;	tv.tv_usec = 0;
	ret = pthread_create(&setcnt_tid, NULL,			set_count_thread, &fd);	if (ret < 0) {		printf("set_count_thread create fail: %d\n", ret);		return -1;	}
	while (loop_cnt--) {		FD_ZERO(&rfds);		FD_SET(fd, &rfds);
		ret = select(fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);		//ret = select(fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);		if (ret == -1) {			perror("select()");			break;		}		else if (ret)			printf("Data is available now.\n");		else {			printf("No data within five seconds.\n");		}	}
	ret = pthread_join(setcnt_tid, NULL);	if (ret < 0) {		printf("set_count_thread join fail.\n");		return -1;	}
	return 0;}


上一篇:Nginx之epoll和select poll
