

$paths = Terminal::isMobile() ? array(__dir__.'/views/mobile') : array(__dir__.'/views/pc');
View::setFinder( new Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder(App::make('files'),$paths));


    public function registerViewFinder()
$this->app->bindShared('view.finder', function($app)
$paths = $app['config']['view.paths']; return new FileViewFinder($app['files'], $paths);


    public function registerFactory()
$this->app->bindShared('view', function($app)
// Next we need to grab the engine resolver instance that will be used by the
// environment. The resolver will be used by an environment to get each of
// the various engine implementations such as plain PHP or Blade engine.
$resolver = $app['view.engine.resolver']; $finder = $app['view.finder']; $env = new Factory($resolver, $finder, $app['events']); // We will also set the container instance on this view environment since the
// view composers may be classes registered in the container, which allows
// for great testable, flexible composers for the application developer.
$env->setContainer($app); $env->share('app', $app); return $env;

视图的注册是返回一个工厂类,之后直接通过LOC容器去获取FileViewFinder:$finder = $app['view.finder'];


    public function share(Closure $closure)
return function($container) use ($closure)
// We'll simply declare a static variable within the Closures and if it has
// not been set we will execute the given Closures to resolve this value
// and return it back to these consumers of the method as an instance.
static $object; if (is_null($object))
$object = $closure($container);
} return $object;
} /**
* Bind a shared Closure into the container.
* @param string $abstract
* @param \Closure $closure
* @return void
public function bindShared($abstract, Closure $closure)
$this->bind($abstract, $this->share($closure), true);



上一篇:win7 64位Apache http server+PHP配置

下一篇:uva 10755 - Garbage Heap