
The iframe tag allows us to embed content coming from other origins (other sites) into our web page.


Technically, an iframe creates a new nested browsing context. This means that anything in the iframe does not interfere with the parent page, and vice versa. JavaScript and CSS do not “leak” to/from iframes.

从技术上讲,iframe会创建一个新的嵌套浏览上下文。 这意味着iframe中的任何内容都不会干扰父页面,反之亦然。 JavaScript和CSS不会从iframe中“泄漏”。

Many sites use iframes to perform various things. You might be familiar with Codepen, Glitch or other sites that allow you to code in one part of the page, and you see the result in a box. That’s an iframe.

许多网站都使用iframe执行各种操作。 您可能熟悉Codepen,Glitch或其他允许您在页面的一部分中进行编码的站点,并且在框中看到了结果。 那是一个iframe。

You create one this way:


<iframe src="page.html"></iframe>

You can load an absolute URL, too:


<iframe src="https://site.com/page.html"></iframe>

You can set a set of width and height parameters (or set them using CSS) otherwise the iframe will use the defaults, a 300x150 pixels box:


<iframe src="page.html" width="800" height="400"></iframe>

Srcdoc (Srcdoc)

The srcdoc attribute lets you specify some inline HTML to show. It’s an alternative to src, but recent and not supported in Edge 18 and lower, and in IE:

srcdoc属性使您可以指定一些要显示的内联HTML。 它是src的替代方法,但是是最新的,并且在Edge 18和更低版本以及IE中不受支持:

<iframe srcdoc="<p>My dog is a good dog</p>"></iframe>

沙盒 (Sandbox)

The sandbox attribute allows us to limit the operations allowed in the iframes.


If we omit it, everything is allowed:


<iframe src="page.html"></iframe>

If we set it to “”, nothing is allowed:


<iframe src="page.html" sandbox=""></iframe>

We can select what to allow by adding options in the sandbox attribute. You can allow multiple ones by adding a space in between. Here’s an incomplete list of the options you can use:

我们可以通过在sandbox属性中添加选项来选择允许的内容。 您可以通过在两者之间添加一个空格来允许多个。 这是您可以使用的选项的不完整列表:

  • allow-forms: allow to submit forms

    allow-forms :允许提交表单

  • allow-modals allow to open modals windows, including calling alert() in JavaScript


  • allow-orientation-lock allow to lock the screen orientation


  • allow-popups allow popups, using window.open() and target="_blank" links


  • allow-same-origin treat the resource being loaded as same origin


  • allow-scripts lets the loaded iframe run scripts (but not create popups).


  • allow-top-navigation gives access to the iframe to the top level browsing context


允许 (Allow)

Currently experimental and only supported by Chromium-based browsers, this is the future of resource sharing between the parent window and the iframe.


It’s similar to the sandbox attribute, but lets us allow specific features, including:


  • accelerometer gives access to the Sensors API Accelerometer interface

    accelerometer可访问Sensors API加速度计界面

  • ambient-light-sensor gives access to the Sensors API AmbientLightSensor interface

    ambient-light-sensor可访问Sensors API AmbientLightSensor接口

  • autoplay allows to autoplay video and audio files


  • camera allows to access the camera from the getUserMedia API

    camera允许从getUserMedia API访问相机

  • display-capture allows to access the screen content using the getDisplayMedia API

    display-capture允许使用getDisplayMedia API访问屏幕内容

  • fullscreen allows to access fullscreen mode


  • geolocation allows to access the Geolocation API

    geolocation允许访问Geolocation API

  • gyroscope gives access to the Sensors API Gyroscope interface

    gyroscope可访问Sensors API陀螺仪界面

  • magnetometer gives access to the Sensors API Magnetometer interface

    magnetometer可访问Sensors API磁力计界面

  • microphone gives access to the device microphone using the getUserMedia API

    microphone允许使用getUserMedia API访问设备麦克风

  • midi allows access to the Web MIDI API

    midi允许访问Web MIDI API

  • payment gives access to the Payment Request API


  • speaker allows access to playing audio through the device speakers


  • usb gives access to the WebUSB API.

    usb允许访问WebUSB API。

  • vibrate gives access to the Vibration API


  • vr gives access to the WebVR API

    vr允许访问WebVR API

特性策略的书写规则是:<feature name> <allowlist of origin(s)>

完整的特性名称参考: Policy Controlled Features或者Feature-Policy



<iframe allow="camera 'none'; fullscreen 'none'">


<iframe src="https://example.com..." allow="fullscreen 'src'"></iframe>


<iframe src="https://google-developers.appspot.com/demos/..." allow="geolocation https://google-developers.appspot.com"></iframe>


  • Accelerometer
  • Ambient light sensor
  • Autoplay
  • Camera
  • Encrypted media
  • Fullscreen
  • Geolocation
  • Gyroscope
  • Lazyload
  • Microphone
  • Midi
  • PaymentRequest
  • Picture-in-picture
  • Speaker
  • USB
  • VR / XR

推荐人 (Referrer)

When loading an iframe, the browser sends it important information about who is loading it in the Referer header (notice the single r, a typo we must live with).

加载iframe时,浏览器会在Referer标头中向其发送有关谁正在加载iframe的重要信息(请注意,我们必须忍受单个r ,即错字)。

The misspelling of referrer originated in the original proposal by computer scientist Phillip Hallam-Baker to incorporate the field into the HTTP specification. The misspelling was set in stone by the time of its incorporation into the Request for Comments standards document RFC 1945

引荐来源网址的拼写错误源自计算机科学家Phillip Hallam-Baker最初提出的将字段合并到HTTP规范中的提议。 在将拼写错误合并到“请求注释”标准文档RFC 1945中时,就已经将拼写错误固定下来。

The referrerpolicy attribute lets us set the referrer to send to the iframe when loading it. The referrer is an HTTP header that lets the page know who is loading it. These are the allowed values:

referrerpolicy属性可让我们将引荐来源网址设置为在加载时发送到iframe。 引荐来源网址是HTTP标头,可让页面知道谁在加载它。 这些是允许的值:

  • no-referrer-when-downgrade it’s the default, and sends the referrer when the current page is loaded over HTTPS and the iframe loads on the HTTP protocol


  • no-referrer does not send the referrer header


  • origin the referrer is sent, and only contains the origin (port, protocol, domain), not the origin + path which is the default


  • origin-when-cross-origin when loading from the same origin (port, protocol, domain) in the iframe, the referrer is sent in its complete form (origin + path). Otherwise only the origin is sent

    从iframe中从相同起点(端口,协议,域)加载origin-when-cross-origin以其完整格式(起点+路径)发送引荐来源网址。 否则,仅发送原点

  • same-origin the referrer is sent only when loading from the same origin (port, protocol, domain) in the iframe


  • strict-origin sends the origin as the referrer if the current page is loaded over HTTPS and the iframe also loads on the HTTPS protocol. Sends nothing if the iframe is loaded over HTTP

    如果当前页面是通过HTTPS加载的,并且iframe也通过HTTPS协议加载,则strict-origin会将原点作为引荐strict-origin发送。 如果通过HTTP加载iframe,则不发送任何内容

  • strict-origin-when-cross-origin sends the origin + path as the referrer when working on the same origin. Sends the origin as the referrer if the current page is loaded over HTTPS and the iframe also loads on the HTTPS protocol. Sends nothing if the iframe is loaded over HTTP

    当在相同原点上工作strict-origin-when-cross-origin将原点+路径作为引荐strict-origin-when-cross-origin发送。 如果当前页面是通过HTTPS加载的,并且iframe也通过HTTPS协议加载,则将原点作为引荐来源发送。 如果通过HTTP加载iframe,则不发送任何内容

  • unsafe-url: sends the origin + path as the referrer even when loading resources from HTTP and the current page is loaded over HTTPS

    unsafe-url :即使从HTTP加载资源并且当前页面通过HTTPS加载,也将原始+路径作为引荐来源发送

上一篇:Order allow,deny Allow from all错
